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Mom boycotts household chores to see how long it takes her family to get their sh*t together

Tired of always having to tend to the endless list of chores around the house, she decided to take a break from all of it and let her family pick up the slack for once.

Mom boycotts household chores to see how long it takes her family to get their sh*t together
Cover Image Source: Twitter/MissPotkin

An exhausted mom recently when viral on Twitter after she pulled a hilarious yet painfully-relatable experiment to see how long it takes her family to get their act together at home. Tired of always having to tend to the endless list of chores around the house, Twitter user Miss Potkin decided to take a break from all of it and simply sit back and let her family pick up the slack for once. "Two days ago, I decided to stop doing the dishes. I make all the dinners and I am tired of having to do all the cleaning too. SINCE THEN this pile has appeared and at some point, they are going to run out of spoons and cups and plates," she tweeted, posting a photo of dirty dishes piling up around the kitchen sink.




"Who will blink first? Not me," Miss Potkin promised. "Day 3 - they've used the last of the big bowls and they've run out of spoons. No one is saying anything about the big pile but I can hear their brains ticking. No, family, I will not be loading the dishwasher today," she continued. "Let me know when you want to talk about the fact that I stopped doing the laundry too. It’s getting a bit post-apocalyptic. The piles are everywhere."




"There is a pan on the cooker with a single sausage in it. It's been there for two days. I can't look at it because it's turned the color of the man that washes up in 'Cast Away,'" Miss Potkin wrote in another update. She also stopped doing the mental gymnastics of anticipating buying new toilet paper before the current stash runs out and let her family learn their lesson the hard way. "The last of the loo roll in the downstairs loo was used at 7:04 pm last night. It hasn't been replaced. The downstairs loo is now out of action for anyone that remembers. For anyone that doesn't... God help them," she wrote.




The stand-off finally seemed to come to an end when after three days of the dishes sitting out, her partner loaded the dishwasher. Unfortunately, it was a false alarm as although the kitchen looked cleaner at first glance, the dishwasher hadn't been turned on and the sink was filled with pots and dirty water. "It's the swamp sink," Miss Potkin explained in a video, sarcastically noting that it's always left to her to drain it and "pick out all the onions and potatoes." 






Thankfully, little by little, other parts of the home began to improve. "BUT LOOK! Toilet roll has appeared! The downstairs loo is back in action! And every other loo," Miss Potkin shared. "The toilet paper stacking is extremely Costco. There's A LOT. Everywhere. SO MUCH LOO ROLL." The dishwasher was also turned on in time and when she asked her partner why he didn't do it earlier, he said "I ran out of time." Uh-huh... 




Summing up her little Twitter experiment, Miss Potkin wrote: "We keep our homes tidy because love. We cook food and set tables and fill the air with scents of roses and fresh laundry because love. Love is patient but love is also fucking tired because she works 14 hour days. I know we are ALL tired but I am most tired. Me. I AM ALL THE TIRED. 3 days. 3 days of not washing or picking up or tidying. WE MADE IT! (I'm not doing that again). You're gonna have good days, bad days, and a lot of fuck it days, but people don't like being taken for granted, especially by the ones they love the most. Period."





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