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Middle-aged dads dance group win over Hugh Jackman and the internet with their moves

Initially formed to surprise their kids, the group made their debut in 2012 and has since become an inspiration for people of all ages who want to have fun and stay fit.

Middle-aged dads dance group win over Hugh Jackman and the internet with their moves
Cover Image Source: Instagram | @outta_puff_daddys

The dance group known as "The Outta Puff Daddys" is a fan favorite of Hugh Jackman, the "Wolverine" actor. Comprised of middle-aged fathers, the group was initially formed to surprise their kids. In 2012, "The Outta Puff Daddys" made their debut as a dance group in Brighton, Sussex, during their children's yearly dance competition.

Since then, they have garnered over 300,000 social media followers through their viral TikToks and Instagram Reels, showcasing their synchronized boogies, reports Wales Online. Today, their children are proud of their parents' internet fame. The group—which goes by @outta_puff_daddys on TikTok—has become an inspiration for people of all ages who want to have fun and stay fit.

Image Source: TikTok | @outtapuffdaddys
Image Source: TikTok | @outtapuffdaddys

Their unexpected performance initially began as a joke, with the parents receiving instruction from their children's street dancing teacher. The group which includes fathers aged from 40 to 60 years old, never danced professionally before. However, they received several encouraging comments after their first performance and decided to continue with the dance group. What started as a lighthearted stunt turned into a passion for the group. 

Paul Jukes, the group's leader and creative director said, "My kids knew I was going dancing but didn’t know why. The response was incredible. We performed at the Brighton Dome which seats 2,000 people so for your first live dance performance it was quite something. We literally took the roof off. The noise was phenomenal and of course, the kids in the audience were like, ‘Hang on a second, that’s your dad.'"

Image Source: TikTok | @outtapuffdaddys
Image Source: TikTok | @outtapuffdaddys

The 48-year-old credits dancing together as a source of comfort during times of sadness, unemployment and bereavement. It's clear that this group has found joy, purpose and a sense of community through their shared love of dance. Jukes, who goes by the crew name Jukebox, works as a branding consultant and personal trainer during the day. He shared his experience of leading the group: "The irony is that, despite being the group's leader, creative director and choreographer, I'm not typically the most confident dancer."


Jukes has been leading the group's performances at festivals across the country since 2020. As a father of two, he personally understands the struggles of parenthood and has found solace in the group's shared passion for dance. In fact, after experiencing a period of depression in 2017, Jukes credits the group for playing a significant role in his recovery. Dancing with the group has not only provided him with a fun and creative outlet but also a supportive community that has helped him overcome challenges.


Jukes added that getting Hugh Jackman's support was a big deal for the entire group. He said: "We all have crew names and one of our members is called Wolverine, and recently received a comment from Hugh Jackman giving him a massive thumbs up. He’s a huge Marvel fan so for him to have Hugh Jackman personally contact him was just phenomenal."

Talking about the enthusiasm of the group, Jukes added: "There are a few arthritic knees in the crew, so we nurture and support each other to make sure what we do is achievable."


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