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'Mickey Mouse' getting emotional after meeting Mr. Walt Disney look-alike will melt your heart

'There were just so many stories that day. I was elated to give so much back to people. The best day ever in the theme park,' Burns said.

'Mickey Mouse' getting emotional after meeting Mr. Walt Disney look-alike will melt your heart
Cover Image Source: Reddit | @starkf_

A trip to Disney World makes every child happy as they get to meet their favorite characters such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Snow White, Winnie The Pooh and many more. But do you know what makes the characters happy? A glimpse of the legendary Walt Disney himself.

In a video shared on Reddit this week, Mickey Mouse is seen becoming visibly emotional by meeting a visitor who looks exactly like the iconic animator. Mickey is seen shaking the cosplayer's hand and looking at him intently for a few seconds before pointing at him surprised. The character then gives "Walt" a long hug and walks away, seemingly wiping a tear.

Reddit | @Starkf_
Reddit | @Starkf_

Bill Burns, a cosplay enthusiast and Walt Disney's look-a-like, spoke to Good Morning America about what happened that day. "It was my third outing as Walt on Dapper Day. We saw the line for Mickey so we stood in line like everybody else. The cast member at the time was walking through the line and he was saying, well they're going to cut off the line," he shared.

To his astonishment, Burns was asked to break the line and move to the side. "So he moves us over by the doorjamb in front of the Mad Hatter shop and they literally wait for Mickey to go through his line and they direct Mickey over to me. And then you saw what happened," said Burns.

Reddit | @Starkf_
Reddit | @Starkf_

He added, "Mickey stops and literally is staring... then Mickey snapped out of it and then you saw the hug. And that hug was a long hug as hugs go for characters. It was extremely genuine. That cast member was stunned. We found out later that somebody, some of the cast members backstage were saying, 'Walt is in the park."

Reddit | @starkf_
Reddit | @starkf_

Talking about his experience at the park that day, Burns said, "There were just so many stories that day. I was elated to give so much back to people. The best day ever in the theme park. It's hard to describe. It's hard to put into words without crying myself." He added: "Walt is truly a spirit that people definitely channel into."

Burns has been doing cosplay since 2014 as a hobby and in 2018, something happened that led him to take a life-changing decision. Burns said, "I was diagnosed with cancer. I had something called Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia. This was while I was doing cosplay. While I was sitting on the chair for many hours, I thought, 'If I make it through this, I'm going to do everything I can with this hobby to try and influence people and inspire people.'"

The late actor Chadwick Boseman has been Burns' biggest inspiration through his cancer journey. He explained that he was moved by how Chadwick kept working and inspiring people even as he battled his illness in private. "Life does go on and you can spread that life and joy to many other people who are suffering through this," said Burns.


People on the Internet were impressed seeing the way Mickey responded to Burns as Walt Disney. A user wrote, "Do you think the guy inside the costume made an emotional face even though he knows nobody can see it?" Another said, "Portrayed all the different emotions with a single expression." Another wrote, "The actor did a good job, that’s exactly how Mickey Mouse mouse would have reacted."


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