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Man accidentally given wads of cash instead of his order at McDonald's

Josiah Vargas placed his order for a Sausage McMuffin at the drive-through, but when discovered their "deposit" in his bag.

Man accidentally given wads of cash instead of his order at McDonald's
Cover Image Source: Tiktok / @dookiedoeboy

Imagine you're hungry and go to McDonald's for a quick bite and, instead of food, you are handed a packet full of cash. Wouldn't that confuse you? Because when we're hungry nothing makes sense and all we think of is FOOD. This is the situation that Josiah Vargas, aka @dookiedoeboy found himself in. Vargas shared a video on TikTok describing his eventful day at an Elkhart, Indiana, McDonald's drive-thru when he received a lot more than what he had requested. According to TODAY,  the now-viral video, which has garnered over 2.3 million views, Vargas was bewildered to see thousands of dollars, $5,000 to be exact, in his to-go bag rather than breakfast.

Vargas said that he placed his order for a Sausage McMuffin through the drive-through, but when he looked inside the bag  the employee handed over to him, he discovered their "deposit." After inspecting the bag which had wads of cash and change stored in Ziploc bags, Vargas looks at the item that was accidentally given to him in place of his breakfast sandwich. “Why? There’s a couple of thousand dollars here,” Vargas says, holding up the bag. “Like, why would they do this? Why would they give this to me?" Instead of just taking the money and putting the McDonald's employees in a difficult situation, Vargas chose to share this on Tiktok and he knew exactly what he had to do. 



“What the f---? Now I have to return it because I’m a good person, I guess,” Vargas says, putting all the money back in the bag. "How interesting." Before getting out of the car to return the money, he spoke to the camera saying,  “Why would you guys do this to me? You know how bad I want this money? Why put me in this situation?" He makes his way inside with his phone camera pointed toward the ground and jokingly approaches the register. “You guys laundering money around here?” The cashier lets out a sigh of relief since the entire staff was worried about the sudden disappearance of all the money. One employee asked if they could give Vargas a hug, to which he said yes.  

Cover Image Source: Tiktok / @dookiedoeboy
Cover Image Source: Tiktok / @dookiedoeboy


Driving back, Vargas looks back on his noble deed. “I cut that short, but they were just all hugging me and thanking me,” he says, adding that some of them were crying. “Free McDonald’s for a month, I guess.” Smiling to himself, Vargas said, “When I was driving away. They called me back in. They gave me $200.” However, the Tiktok video ends with a moral lesson from Vargas to all his viewers. “Do good, people. Return $5000, got $200 and free McDonald’s for a month,” he says. “Good trade value and maybe a viral TikTok.” Store owner Estephan Awad spoke of Vargas to Indystar in a released statement: “Josiah’s actions are an inspiration to us all and we are eternally grateful for him returning our bank deposit."  

Tiktok / @dookiedoeboy
Tiktok / @dookiedoeboy


Tiktok / @dookiedoeboy
Tiktok / @dookiedoeboy


The comments under Vargas's video were lauding him for his honesty and integrity. @Griffin commented: "Nice! That $200 is worth all the good karma for helping those workers." @Lara wrote: "Ok but in all seriousness, that amount wouldn’t phase the corporation a bit. The workers and their jobs on the other hand…you’re awesome for doing that." @Analogydoc chimed in saying: "I’ve been surrounded by people that would’ve walked away with the money. Great to see kindred souls out there. Great job!" @Roller Skating GenX NY Style added: "You did a great thing. thank you for showing us that good people still exist." This comment is something that we can all agree on. Josiah is amazing for doing what he did and he is setting an example for people of all ages that no matter how hard things get financially, it is not okay to steal or condone stealing. 

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