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Mattress company comes up with a dream job opening for anyone who loves to sleep

Britian based mattress company is paying a person to text their new products line and the job requires the best of sleeping skills.

Mattress company comes up with a dream job opening for anyone who loves to sleep
Cover Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio, Bensons for Beds

We have always thought working hard gets you paid but what if an organization wants to pay you for relaxing and sleeping? So here's a company that wants to do that for you. It is a bedroom furniture retailer and they are looking for a new Chief Sleep Officer. The person who will be hired will be paid about $12k for the six months which is a part-time position and includes 874 hours of training, sleeping and free shopping, states the company website. So if you ask what is the job of a Chief Sleep Officer (CSO), the person has to test one mattress every fortnight, four pillows per month, and one bedframe every six weeks. Moreover, it is a fully remote job opening and applicants must be based out of the UK and require a relevant qualification in marketing or social media.

Image Source: Pexels | Anna Nekrashevich
Image Source: Pexels | Anna Nekrashevich

"Do you find yourself wondering if counting sheep could actually be a viable career path? Well, slumber away, because your dream job is here!" reads the LinkedIn post for the job opening. However, the job is not all about sleeping on the job. "Digital-savvy storyteller ready to create dreamy online content. We're not counting sheep; we're counting on you to be active across Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, with a following that's as cozy as a well-made bed - aiming for at least 5,000 followers on the 'Gram!" continues the post. The person will be required to visit the company's factory in Huntingdon and spend time with the innovation to understand how the mattress and bed supply chain works. The hired person will also be provided with over 14 hours of "in bed" training to understand what leads to poor sleep and good habits people should have to enhance sleep patterns.

To apply for the role at Bensons for Beds, the candidates need to send a piece on why they fit the role. They also require strong written communication skills. The added advantage is that this job can be done with a more conventional job. They posted about the job opening at the beginning of January because they found in their study that many people look for a fresh start at this time. They also mentioned the other reasons for people to switch their jobs, which were "Sunday Night Blues" when the anxiety about work kicks in, not getting along with their bosses, and sleepless nights due to work worries. 

Image Source: Pexels | Mikhail Nilov
Image Source: Pexels | Mikhail Nilov

Another company decided to provide their employees with a 30-minute power nap in the middle of the day at work. An Indian startup provided a healthier option for its employees with its "right to nap" policy. Chaitanya Ramalingegowda, the company's director and co-founder of Wakefit said, "We have been in the business of sleep for over six years now, and yet, have failed to do justice to a crucial aspect of rest—the afternoon nap," he wrote in an internal mail. "We have always taken naps seriously, but starting today, we will be taking things up a notch."


The company set 2 to 2:30 pm as the official naptime for all their employees. They also said that they are working towards "creating cozy nap pods and quiet rooms" in the office to build a perfect nap environment. The new policy received an overwhelming response from the employees and many shared it on their social media. 

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