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Man's hilarious depiction of how different generations type on phones is a hit for its accuracy

Tyler Morgan shared the different styles of typing different generations indulge in and it resonated with every age group.

Man's hilarious depiction of how different generations type on phones is a hit for its accuracy
Cover Image Source: TikTok|@hotmidocameraroll

Over the years, each generation has witnessed differences in even the smallest and simplest habits. It is also safe to say that different generations have different ways of typing. Tyler Morgan (@hotmidocameraroll) shared a video explaining that one can easily detect a person's generation by observing how they type on their phones. “This is how you can tell someone’s age by how they type on their phone,” Morgan said. Sharing visual examples, the man showed the use of the swipe feature instead of typing each letter of the word separately. 

Image Source: TikTok|@hotmidocameraroll
Image Source: TikTok|@hotmidocameraroll

“Anyone that’s using the swipe feature is most likely millennial, possibly Gen Z,” Morgan pointed out. The next category of people were those who were typing each letter to form the words in a fast motion with one hand. If one spots a person moving fingers continuously in a speedy fashion using just one hand, they are likely preteen to 25 years of age, as per Morgan. “Typing fast again but with two thumbs, probably preteen to mid-20s or mid-30s,” he remarked.  

Image Source: TikTok|@hotmidocameraroll
Image Source: TikTok|@hotmidocameraroll

Adding more, Morgan said, “You kind of stay in this thumb-tapping age I think probably up till the 50s.” He further explained that Gen Xers or those 50 and above would likely have a habit of using their index finger while typing. Their typing is characterized by a slower pace and the firm use of the index finger along with their thumb as opposed to the newer generations who solely use their thumbs. “At 65+, you’re going to start doing this thing- the one-finger tap,” Morgan expressed. People in this category are likely to be boomers and indulge in very slow-paced typing with restricted use of the index finger only. 

Image Source: TikTok|@hotmidocameraroll
Image Source: TikTok|@hotmidocameraroll

Morgan mentioned that people using their index fingers only tend to use their other hand and fingers to hold the device firmly while typing. Lastly, Morgan shared a rather unusual way of typing. Holding the phone horizontally and converting the keypad horizontally, Morgan depicted typing with the thumbs, holding the phone like a game console. “People who type like this, I don’t know how you do it,” he exclaimed. Sharing more, Morgan remarked, “I would say that Gen Z is likely to use two thumbs to type at a higher speed of words per minute than the average millennial with a keyboard," per Newsweek

Image Source: TikTok|@jordannaleah
Image Source: TikTok|@jordannaleah
Image Source: TikTok|@carlamartinezinbrazil
Image Source: TikTok|@carlamartinezinbrazil

Taking a guess as to why the changes could be settling in with the advancing number of years, Morgan mentioned the idea of mobility. He said that with age, people tend to lose mobility. “Things that seem easy for those in their teens and twenties may not be as comfortable or easy for people in their late sixties. But it varies based on so much,” he added. People were amazed by the accuracy of the typing styles and amusingly claimed their type. @david.girbau said, “I swipe to text so much that I can now type without seeing the keyboard.” @collettejnorman remarked, “I’m 36 and I only use two thumbs to text. I didn’t even know swipe to text was a thing.”

You can follow Tyler Morgan (@hitomidooncameraroll) on TikTok for more content on lifestyle.

This article originally appeared 4 months ago.

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