Any viewer can participate in the guessing game that actually proves a lesser-known fact about water.
Every day the internet amazes us by presenting a scientific fact that we've never heard of. Some facts even come with a simple experiment for the users to comprehend. What we know about our abilities as humans is only limited because, according to science, there are many more things that we are capable of. On learning one such surprising fact about human potential, Wyatt Cannon (@curedeggyolk) posted a video on TikTok that became an instant internet sensation. With the help of an experiment, the 22-year-old shows how humans can hear the difference between hot and cold water and people are awestruck.
The science lover began his video by saying, "Every time I read this fact, my mind is blown. And we're going to put it to the test right now," and showed the two glasses in front of him containing steaming hot and icy cold water. He explained that this experiment was to see if humans could actually distinguish between hot and cold water being poured into an empty vessel. "So in a few seconds, I'm going to ask you to close your eyes. I will pour cup 1 and you'll have to guess in your mind: is that hot water or cold water? Then I'll pour cup 2 and you'll have to guess if that's hot or cold water. Then, at the end, you'll open your eyes; you're going to rewatch the video and see if you were right or wrong," the 22-year-old instructed the viewers.
Assuring people that their minds were going to be blown by the end of this experiment, Wyatt asked the viewers to close their eyes and listen to the pouring sound. He first pours the hot water into an empty glass and a text overlay that says "Hot water" shows up so that people can later check when they rewatch the video. The cold water was poured next. By this time, people would've guessed the difference between the two pours. So, Wyatt said, "Now go rewatch the video, scroll to the part where I am holding them up and you can see if you are right or wrong. Prepare to have your mind blown."
Apparently, humans do have the potential to differentiate between the sounds of hot and cold water being poured. The video gained nearly 29 million views and over 50K people bombarded the comments section saying that they did hear the difference. Even if they couldn't put a finger on it during the first pour, the second pour confirmed which was which. Many even devotedly gave an explanation as to how the sounds were when hot and cold water was poured. Just like he promised, Wyatt did blow the minds of countless people.
"The hot one sounds 'wompy' and the cold one sounds 'clinky' if that makes sense," commented @noodlebubz. "Definitely can hear the difference. The hot one sounds more soft and the cold one sounds crisp, if that makes any sense to anyone else," wrote @tayforgettable. "At first I said cold and then when the cold was poured, I was like, oh no that’s definitely cold," commented @mystic_ashes.