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Man's depiction of '90s kids' usual routine is making millennials nostalgic: 'Best era to be a kid'

The video just 'flooded memories' for a lot of millennials.

Man's depiction of '90s kids' usual routine is making millennials nostalgic: 'Best era to be a kid'
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @lilmocofoo

When the internet had just begun to gain momentum in the '90s, an afterschool routine for kids looked drastically different than today. Instead of eating food while looking at an iPad, most kids did the same while playing Super Mario or watching television. The world looked a lot more interesting when the internet speed was shockingly slow. So, when TikTok creator @lilmocofoo uploaded a comedy sketch depicting a '90s kid routine, people on the internet had major nostalgia moments. "The best era to be a kid," he captioned it.

Image Source: TikTok | @lilmocofoo
Image Source: TikTok | @lilmocofoo

As the video begins, the kid returns from school with headphones on and goes straight to his computer. The familiar "Welcome" flashes on the Windows screen along with the person's face. He sits down to play Super Mario with a gaming console that every '90s and 2000s kid might be familiar with. He blows his snack and the game's CD, reminding people how those would perhaps not work without blowing. The person waits patiently to get connected to the internet and then to receive his mail, a stark contrast to how anything longer than a few seconds seems too long nowadays.

Image Source: TikTok | @lilmocofoo
Image Source: TikTok | @lilmocofoo

In the next scene, the kid is talking to his friend on a landline phone while going through a Pokemon card collection, carefully put in a plastic file. "Yeah, I got a lot of Pokemon cards. I found them in some fool's backpack at school," he tells his friend. "How much would you give me for a first-edition holographic Charizard?" he asks. The kid's eyes widens as he repeats, "12 bucks?" after his friend.


He also gets on the line when his sister is making plans with her boyfriend. He threatens that he will tell their mom about it. His idea is to get his sister grounded, but instead, his mom grounds him for using a bad word for his sister. The kid freely watched a Disney Musical as the characters on the television sings, "I always find a way."


In the next scene, he is fighting with his sibling in a typical manner. "Get off the internet. I gotta use the phone!" the sister screams. "Shut up! Nobody wants to talk to you anyway," the brother retaliates. When asked what he is doing, he answers, "I am busy talking to my homies on the internet." His sister points out that those aren't his real friends. The kid simply brushes her off, saying she is jealous because he is popular in AOL chatrooms. He watches "Pokemon" and the scene of one of the main characters, Ash, getting an electric shock shows up. It is something that any "Pokemon" fan might have seen a thousand times. 

"Are you done using the internet?" the sister asks after a while. "I am online, downloading some songs. Don't rush me," the brother responds. "I am downloading the new Eminem song and it's going hella fast. It's only gonna take 3 hours and 16 minutes." To add a humor touch, the man shows a skeleton wearing his clothes and sitting on the chair in front of the computer, still waiting for the song to download.

Image Source: TikTok | @_jessi.cuh
Image Source: TikTok | @_jessi.cuh
Image Source: TikTok | @addymach23
Image Source: TikTok | @addymach23

The clip sent people on a nostalgia trip. @thatgirlamber.3.5 wrote, "Damn, Limewire making a CD would take forever." @drogarciaa pointed out, "Y'all don't even realize what Pokémon cards he has. Holy smokes." Another user recounted, "Everything was oddly calm. All over the place, but calm. Refreshing too." @actiondan110 commented, "I remember dial-up, it would take me 20 minutes to check my Myspace messages."

You can follow @lilmocofoo on TikTok for more funny videos.

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