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Man writes a final heartbreaking letter to granddaughter and it has left the internet sobbing

Before he passed away, a grandfather decided to pen down a letter for his beloved granddaughter, hoping that she always remember their time together.

Man writes a final heartbreaking letter to granddaughter and it has left the internet sobbing
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @char.ellsx

Grandparents have special bonds with their grandkids. Those children who are fortunate enough to grow up in the presence of their grandparents are more likely to have high family values and better emotional well-being. A young woman named Charlotte—who goes by @char.ellsx on TikTok—shared a slideshow with the online community that drove almost every viewer to the brink of tears. One of the pictures featured herself with her grandpa when she was younger and another slide had a creased letter that was typed out by him before his demise.

Image Source: TikTok | @char.ellsx 
Image Source: TikTok | @char.ellsx 

"I’m sorry that I can’t be with you anymore, but please don’t be too sad,” the letter began. “You were always my special friend and I love you very much. You will never be without me because I will always be in your head, in your mind and heart. No one can take away your memories and you can think of me whenever you like." The grandpa believed that Charlotte was a kind, thoughtful and clever person who could achieve anything in her life if she tried hard enough. He told Charlotte through the letter to think of him whenever she is lacking inspiration or having a hard time trying to make a decision.

Grandpa advised her to get a good education and not let anyone's persuasion trick her into making wrong decisions. He told her to avoid temptations and navigate through peer pressure if her friends try to make her take drugs. Only staying true to her beliefs will help her in those situations. "I expect you will get interested in boys and start having boyfriends when you get older. Pick them well and make sure you only go out with boys that are good to you and are interested in you for yourself," the letter further read. 

Image Source: TikTok | @char.ellsx 
Image Source: TikTok | @char.ellsx 

He asked Charlotte to look after her grandma and mother after he passed away. "I don't know what happens when people die. I believe there is a type of existence for us beyond but I don't know for sure what it is," the letter continues. He hoped to see his family and Charlotte in "some form of future life." "I know that you will remember me always with love and affection. Be happy with the memories of our time and above all, make yourself a happy life," the letter concluded.

@daniblore wrote, "This letter is so beautiful and has made me cry so much. My grandad was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in January and they won’t do anything for him because of his age. He’s more like a dad." @jks1894 shared, "My granddad died unexpectedly in 2017. Before he passed, he was showing me his stamp collection (3 albums in total). After he died, all of us 11 grandkids wanted something of his and I wanted the stamp collection because we both loved history. Couldn’t find it in his house but eventually discovered that he had left it in our study. Felt like it was meant for me in a way."

Image Source: TikTok | @rollerskatingwithdogs
Image Source: TikTok | @rollerskatingwithdogs

@zarad32 revealed, "My grandad was my everything when I was growing up, I’d spend 90% of my time with him. I was 12 when he passed and I’m 33 now but I still miss him terribly. I hope they’re proud of who we’ve become." @bexwithanx201 quipped, "As someone who has been without their beloved Grandad for 21 years now, I can promise the love and memories never die. I’m sorry for your loss and what a beautiful letter." @alysrosex added, "Wow. I wish I could have got a letter like this from my grampa who I was so close with but he died of Alzheimer's and lost himself. I'm sure if that wasn't the case, he would have written similar."

You can follow Charlotte (@char.ellsx) on TikTok for more videos on lifestyle.

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