The man explained that the room is so soundproof that one can hear parts of their body and people have been known to go insane inside it.
Many people seek peace and quiet to think or relax, but one man took extreme measures to achieve this. Callum McGinley, known as Callux on YouTube, accepted the daunting challenge of spending the longest time in the world's quietest room. In a 2019 video, he shared his experience inside the Anechoic Chamber at South Bank University in London. "These rooms are legitimately so quiet that people have been known to go insane inside them. Also, they are so soundproof that you can hear parts of your body that you have not heard before," he explained.
He then stated the rules of the challenge. He shared that he would need to be alone in the chamber. "No sleeping, no fainting, must always be monitored, sound must never go above decibels per minute. I can speak every five minutes for one minute. I can leave at any time and it needs to be dark," he revealed. Next, he was seen sitting in the room alone, talking to the camera. "This is it. It is me trying to break the world record for the longest time sat in the most silent place on Earth," he said just before asking people to turn off the lights.
After five minutes of being in that room, McGinley shared that he was hearing a very high tone of tinnitus in both his ears. Fifteen minutes later, he shared that he felt like he was making up sounds and claimed that he could hear his own blood flowing through his body. "I can hear someone drag a trolley on the floor back. I don't know if it's me or something else," the content creator said after 30 minutes. Fifty-three minutes into being in the room, McGinley again spoke about how he felt. "This place is crazy. I don't know if it is because we are breaking it down into seconds. That's the fastest 53 minutes and I swear there is a train underneath here."
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About one hour after he sat in the room, he began to have hallucinations. "I could see things walking around the room and I was tracking this thing. It was freaking me out," McGinley said. "I'm starting to see things that can't be in the room." At one moment, he wanted to give up but stayed just to break the record. He ended up being in the room for about one hour and 26 minutes and broke the world record.
People in the comments shared what they thought about the experience. @ashurley486 commented, "I've been in one of these rooms. The scariest thing about it was the fact that there was no way to get out without someone from the outside opening the door for you. The thought of being trapped in there and not being able to yell for help was terrifying." @d1donlynmxcan643 wrote, "Every type of light releases particle waves and heat source. The 'flame' you're seeing is the atmosphere around the light is the air being heated and H2O droplets by the atom being shined by the light particle." @flexynko joked, "No, the quietest room ever is online school when the teacher asks you a question." @talan9468 said, "I was terrified when he locked eyes with a hallucination."
You can follow Callum McGinley (@Callux) on YouTube for more exciting videos.