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Man mows lawns for free, raises $190k for shelter that helped him with an injured cat

'Spencer out here saving animals, mowing lawns, changing people's lives... the modern-day hero.'

Man mows lawns for free, raises $190k for shelter that helped him with an injured cat
Cover Image Source: YouTube | SB Mowing

Kindness has the power to make a real difference. Spencer, who runs a successful landscaping business called SB Mowing, recently demonstrated this by rescuing a cat from a yard he was mowing. He didn’t stop there; he launched a GoFundMe campaign for the organization that treated the cat, raising over $191,000 to support their work.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Vaan Photography
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Vaan Photography

Spencer began mowing lawns at age 11 with his dad's push mower, according to My Modern Met. By the time he finished high school, he had built a thriving business. Now, with millions of social media followers, he regularly posts videos of himself mowing overgrown or abandoned properties for free. During one such project in Texas, he discovered an injured cat in an empty yard.

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"When I was picking up some grass and trash, I saw her lying over there... I think she has got a wound kind of underneath her leg and I'm not really sure what happened," he said in his YouTube video. He added that the cat was not scared of the loud noises of the leaf blower and even let Spencer pet it. He later realized that the animal was limping, so he called for aid and after several calls to different places, Edgar and Ivy's Cat Sanctuary agreed to help. They specialize in caring for injured and abandoned cats.

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The staff at the organization gave the cat antibiotics to treat the infection and medicine to clean any maggots or worms. Before being sent to a bed, the staff at the center also gave the cat some food. While the feline was enjoying its meal, the staff told Spencer that the injury likely happened during a fight with another male cat or dog and that the wound had become infected. Spencer was so moved by the sanctuary's willingness to help the cat that he started a GoFundMe campaign to support their cause.

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Surprisingly, he had no idea that the sanctuary was about to close due to a lack of funding. Initially, he set a goal of $10,000, which he later changed to $1,50,000. However, he has since been able to raise over $191,000, which will help the shelter buy much-needed supplies and continue its work in the Corpus Christi area. The cat Spencer rescued was named SB and the shelter decided to keep the feline.

People were happy with how Spencer rescued the cat and raised funds for the shelter. @Kim-Unearthed commented, "The fact that the fundraiser for the cat sanctuary you created is already almost at the $30,000 goal in only two days is absolutely phenomenal and speaks volumes about the impact you have on the community you've built here and how many people support and believe in what you do. Amazing!" @TheOriginalJenafire wrote, "Saved a little life, helped a charity, helped a lil ole lady get to church, and was honest and paid the neighbor for her windshield. Wow! Who would have thought a video of lawn transformations would be such a lesson in human goodness and decency? Thank you for your work and your stellar example of what it is to be a good human being!" 

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@sylviakidd expressed, "That's awesome that you raised over $175k for that cat sanctuary! I am sure they needed it and very much appreciated it. You're an amazing person. The world could use more people like you. Thank you for all you do." @loctown7775 wrote, "Spencer out here saving animals, mowing lawns, changing people's lives... the modern-day hero." 



You can subscribe to Spencer's YouTube channel (@SB Mowing) for more lawn-mowing videos.

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