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Man was told by doctors that he would never walk again. Now he runs marathons and is an inspiration

While on a vacation in Hawaii he was diagnosed with a condition which meant he had to use a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

Man was told by doctors that he would never walk again. Now he runs marathons and is an inspiration
Image Source: Tim Marovt/Instagram

People with disabilities often face several difficulties in their life as they adapt to a new normal. However, one of the worse things to tackle is people's opinions and prejudices. Tim Marovt, a marathon runner, was told that he would never walk after he was paralyzed. He, however, had other plans and worked towards his goal of being a marathon runner. A video from one of his events was posted on Reddit by AristonD and has gone viral with over 35k upvotes and hundreds of comments.



A Reddit user, Spartacus980F, "He breezed past that dude in the orange." Another, PaulPash, "Great achievement. Try being paralyzed, dragging yourself through rehabilitation, and then pushing through that to go on to complete marathons. Marovt, who hails from Konji, was on vacation when his entire life changed. He told Radio Maribor that he had been "surfing for about half an hour" when he felt tired and a sudden pain in his spine. He decided to rest a little. He explained, "After about twenty minutes I wanted to go to the bathroom and then I tried to get up and my legs were soft and I fell on the floor. We immediately called an ambulance and they came to the hotel to pick me up." They diagnosed him with surfer myelopathy, "an injury that only happens in Hawaii to professional athletes and only on the first day of surfing." 



The injury to his spinal cord was caused by a hyperextension of the spine, which squeezed a vein and killed the nerves. "They immediately prepared me for how I would live in a wheelchair," he said. Tim was originally seen to be a bright young skier, but he suddenly had to modify his aims and ambitions. Doctors did not believe he would ever be able to move his legs again. 

Sam never lost his enthusiasm or motivation. He was well aware that utilizing a wheelchair was merely a short-term solution. His family, who had faith in his recovery from the start, remained at his side throughout. Marovt said, "The family always believed in me and helped me from the very beginning, that the first movements even started, that the first movements even started, that my mother got up in the middle of the night and that she moved my legs, that my brother carried me up the stairs when I couldn't walk." 



Tim eventually walked with a lot of work and determination. He now skis again, drives a vehicle, runs marathons, and participates in a variety of extreme activities. He has created Timson, a rehabilitation gadget with which he hopes to assist not only himself but also others with disabilities.

A Reddit user, No_Profile_6871, said, "Humans can be amazing sometimes.this is pure determination, bravo!!!" Another added, TopMud7301, "Looks like WINNING to me. I bet he inspires people wherever he is. Congratulations. Love peace winning and inspiring."



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