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Man talks about 8 important things everyone must do after becoming an adult: 'Learn from mistakes'

These tips given will help you ease into your adulthood the correct way as well as push you to be more diligent.

Man talks about 8 important things everyone must do after becoming an adult: 'Learn from mistakes'
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @johnfluenzer

Adulting is one of the most challenging things a person has to do. While it looks glamorous to be able to accomplish your wishes and spend your own money, it is too much responsibility, work, and exhaustion. What is even more frustrating at times is that adulting is not just getting a job and settling down in life. It is the little things you need to do due to their importance. John– who goes by @johnfluenzer on TikTok–posted a video where he mentioned 8 things every adult must do.

Image Source: TikTok | @johnfluenzer
Image Source: TikTok | @johnfluenzer

He begins his video by saying, "Here's a list of stuff you need to start doing now that you're an adult." He then jumps right into the first thing, visiting a doctor at least once a year. He mentioned that not all places have healthcare covered, like Canada, but if people can afford it, it would be great for their health. He urges people to visit a doctor once a year unless they have medical conditions.

Image Source: TikTok | @johnfluenzer
Image Source: TikTok | @johnfluenzer

The next thing on the list is visiting the dentist. Most healthcare plans do not include the dentist because they are expensive. However, John explains that visiting the dentist for an annual cleaning can cost $300, which can lead to the opportunity cost of a root canal, which is $1500, and a crown, which is $2000. To reduce the expenses, he also suggested going to the UFT dental school in Toronto since it costs a fraction of the price for the same things. 

Next up, he says that as an adult, going for regular STI and STD checkups is crucial, especially if anyone is sexually active. It is essential to do so for yourself and your partner. The fourth thing he asks people to do as adults is be up-to-date on their vaccines. He means more than flu shots and includes vaccines like HEP A, HEP B, and Gardasil in case you are below 25 years old.

Image Source: TikTok | @johnfluenzer
Image Source: TikTok | @johnfluenzer

Another thing he strictly suggests is in case an adult is ever involved in a risky or God forbid, unwanted sexual encounter, immediately visit the emergency room or hospital and get a PEP, which is a post-exposure prophylaxis. According to John, PEP reduces the chances of contracting HIV if taken in the first 72 hours by 90+ percent.

The next thing he says an adult must do is to focus on rent. Dealing with landlords can be tricky and there's no sense in arguing with them as it will most likely result in them giving you the boot. A roof over your kid's head is more important than the food itself, so always be sure to have the provision of money for your rent and pay it on time.

Image Source: TikTok | @oddwardothe1st
Image Source: TikTok | @oddwardothe1st

 The seventh point is not to switch phones. Many companies offer varied deals on buying a new phone so that they can get you under contract with a specific provider. However, if you're not under any contract, take advantage of it and keep switching providers as much as you'd like to enjoy the best offers. Lastly, he mentions that multiple streaming subscriptions are a waste of money. One can easily have access to one OTT platform a month and enjoy it to the fullest before switching and repeating it over and over again. This plan is foolproof as even your watchlist remains intact, allowing you to come back and watch the shows you wanted to at some point.

Image Source: TikTok | @oddwardothe1st
Image Source: TikTok | @jenisis.c

Adulting is never an easy journey. However, with these tips, people can at least streamline their adulthood and ensure the future is as comfortably good as possible. People in the comment section gave their two cents as well. @staykookedsuga said, "I didn't go to the dentist for 8 years and now I need to get a root canal. Learn from my mistakes, people." @megan.winkels said, "Crown is standard of care with a root canal, so technically a $300 filling can turn into $3000 root canal + crown total."

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