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Man takes his blind friend to a football match and describes the game to him in a touching video

In the video which has now gone viral, when their fav team hits a goal, the friends are seen jumping with joy and cheering.

Man takes his blind friend to a football match and describes the game to him in a touching video
Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/joeyniles9

Friends are the family that we choose and some of them stay by our side for a lifetime. This is one such story. A Reddit user u/joeyniles9 uploaded it and we can see how two friends are enjoying a football match together. What makes the video even more heartwarming is that one of the friends is blind and the other one is describing the match to him. From the video, we can see both of them are having a great time. The video starts with the friend describing the match to him as he is by his side and then we see how he gently holds his friend and tells him what is happening in all directions of the match. Soon, both friends are seen jumping with happiness as a goal is hit. The video then shows us the football match in front of them.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Joeyniles9
Image Source: Reddit | u/Joeyniles9


The friends are also cheering for their favorite football team as they hold each other. The crowd around them looks equally ecstatic as everyone is seen cheering and jumping just like these friends. But these friends had each other and this made the video even more special. Finding such beautiful friendships is rare and this should be celebrated and cherished. People on Reddit were also touched by this video as they showered it with 23.4 thousand upvotes.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Joeyniles9
Image Source: Reddit | u/Joeyniles9


Reddit users have also made heartening comments on the video. u/PorkChopp33 shared, "Best friend doing best friend things love it." u/speakeasy commented, "The blind fellow is Mike Kearney and the sighted man is his cousin. They’re season ticket holders." u/roredekis shared, "My grandad had very poor vision and would bring a radio with headphones to listen to the radio programming for the game to help him make better sense of the blurs." u/kylerighthand observed, "A great example of how we have the potential to be amazingly empathetic and impactful on the world around us." u/fluffydiscipline revealed, "Aw This is precious. He's explaining it with all the drama and excitement on the pitch. Well Done, Bro." 

Image Source: TikTok/@meganbl
Image Source: TikTok/@meganbl


In another heartwarming story about friendships, Megan and her siblings got a chance to celebrate their dad's 50th birthday, and they did not hold back. Megan—who goes by @meghanbl on TikTok—posted a video of them surprising their father with one of the best surprises. They called all his best friends from Italy and their father's reaction was absolutely priceless. The video starts with the overlay text, "We surprised my dad with a 50th birthday party but also invited his best friends over from Italy." At the designated venue, the father stands with anticipation, unaware of the surprise that awaits him. One by one, his closest friends begin to arrive, each face lighting up with a knowing smile. As the father's eyes meet theirs, disbelief and sheer joy dance across his features, reflecting the depth of the bond they share.

Image Source: TikTok/ @meganbl
Image Source: TikTok/ @meganbl


In this heartfelt reunion, the emotions are palpable, and the father's expressions become a window into his soul. As his friends approach, a wave of nostalgia washes over him, evoking memories of shared laughter, triumphs, and trials. His eyes well up with tears, a testament to the profound impact these friendships have had on his life. His children gave him the best birthday surprise anyone could ever want.

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