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Man saves 'paintball secret' for 20 years — then drops it in a best man speech his brother will never forget

A groom's brother utilizes his wedding toast as the Best Man to confess a prank that he pulled on his older brothers 20 years ago.

Man saves 'paintball secret' for 20 years — then drops it in a best man speech his brother will never forget
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @talijoyphotography

Wedding toasts are wonderful moments where the married couple's friends and family get to hear interesting anecdotes about either of them. From funny stories to emotional affirmations, wedding toasts are always memorable moments in any wedding. One man took the opportunity to reveal a hilarious prank that he had pulled on his older brother many years back. The video posted by @talijoyphotography has got 26.3K likes and 314 comments on the social media site.

Image Source: TikTok | @talijoyphotography
Image Source: TikTok | @talijoyphotography

The text overlay reads, "The best 20-year overdue sibling confession during his Best Man speech." The man starts his speech by sharing how his older brothers, Dave and Mark, were at the neighboring house playing paintball. He was just eight years old at the time and loved playing paintball. One of his brothers, Mark, came to their house to get something and he asked if he could join them for paintball. His request was denied.

Image Source: TikTok | @talijoyphotography
Image Source: TikTok | @talijoyphotography

He explains, "Like any older brother would tell any little brother." The man continues, "But like any other little brother, I ran upstairs; I got my stuff anyway and I was gonna follow them whether they liked it or not." Unfortunately, his older brother had left by the time he came down with all of his stuff. He somehow wanted to get even with them for not allowing him to play and picked up a couple of Mark's paintballs that were lying around.

Image Source: TikTok | @talijoyphotography
Image Source: TikTok | @talijoyphotography

Once the youngest brother says this, the older brothers hilariously look at each other as they realize what he did. He continued his speech, revealing how he threw Mark's paintballs against the house next door. The groom is still in disbelief at his younger brother's revelation and asks if he's serious, to which he replies that he is. He states, "So, Dave assured the neighbors and our parents that it couldn't have been him, or it couldn't have been Mark, because their paintball is not that color."

Image Source: TikTok | @talijoyphotography
Image Source: TikTok | @talijoyphotography

His older brothers are still shocked to hear this and the groom says, "I got in so much trouble for that." Naturally, the neighbors and their parents refused to believe David. The older brothers had to clean up the mess. The younger brother knew that he would eventually have to reveal that it was actually him, but he chose not to because he wanted to watch TV that day. Upon hearing this, the crowd erupts into laughter.

Image Source: TikTok | @talijoyphotography
Image Source: TikTok | @talijoyphotography

The younger brother concludes by saying, "So, I bring this up 20 years later as a wedding gift to him for closure, that I am the one that threw those paintballs. So thank you for letting me watch TV that night." People on the site found the video hilarious and shared their observations in the comments section. @dschnizzle6 commented, "Dave looking at Mark while pointing, as the lifelong conspiracy was finally outlined, is one of the best moments I've seen captured on video."


Image Source: TikTok | @tequilasheela
Image Source: TikTok | @tequilasheela
Image Source: TikTok | @winkofsunshine
Image Source: TikTok | @winkofsunshine

Another individual, @bookscoffeetea1, pointed out, "Mark and Dave may have played paintball that day, but Hunter got the TV all to himself that night." @theresal15 said, "His face when he realized at that very moment that it was a confession rather than a best man's speech. We love this." @bigm2050 expressed, "I love the brother's bored expression trying to figure out where the story is going to full-blown realization."

You can follow Tali Joy Photography (@talijoyphotography) on TikTok for more content-based on photography.


This article originally appeared 1 year ago.

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