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Man stands up for fiancee when his brother tries to ruin their wedding plans with frivolous demands

A man wanted to match everything with his twin brother but the twin's fiance was not happy with his extremely possessive behavior.

Man stands up for fiancee when his brother tries to ruin their wedding plans with frivolous demands
Representative Cover Image Source: (L) Pexels | Emma Bauso | (R) Reddit | u/Throw-awa-y109

Those who have hosted a wedding or been to one know that the bride and the groom leave absolutely no stone unturned when it comes to preparations. From rehearsal dinners to finding the perfect bridal attire, everything is mostly planned by the couple looking forward to starting a new phase of their lives. But not everything goes as planned till the last moment and Reddit user u/Throw-awa-y109 knows it very well. The 23-year-old woman shared a personal story where her brother-in-law was trying to ruin her wedding by imposing his own ideas and opinions.

Representational Image Source: Pexels | Asad Photo Maldives
Representational Image Source: Pexels | Asad Photo Maldives


It was all going well for the bride and the groom. However, things got a little weird when the groom's twin brother started getting weirdly obsessive about his wedding. As per the woman's post, the groom is trying to maintain some distance from his twin brother because of his "past possessive behavior of wanting to share everything with each other, from interests, hobbies and even friends."

The woman shared next, "His twin eloped with his wife (27F) and even suggested to my fiance to do the same on the same day as him. He shut that down quickly as we both agreed on having a wedding already. I ended up being contacted by my fiance's brother requesting me to wear his wife's wedding dress from their elopement to my wedding."

Representational Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studio
Representational Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studio

The bride-to-be turned down the offer since she already had a specific wedding dress in her mind. The brother-in-law didn't bring up this subject for 2 more weeks until he showed up at the woman's house uninvited. The twin brother also had his wife in tow and they wanted her to try her sister-in-law's wedding dress. "They said they'd make adjustments if the size doesn't fit. Thank God my husband stepped in and kicked them both out of our house, even tho it did end up with a really big argument between my fiance and his brother," the woman wrote.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Allaboutbird
Image Source: Reddit | u/Allaboutbird

The persistent twin contacted the woman again and accused her of not compromising to make the wedding experiences of the brothers "intertwined" and straining their relationship. "Honestly, I'm just getting the creeps from my brother-in-law and my gut's telling me that he and his wife may attempt to sabotage our wedding out of revenge and even my husband agrees with the sentiment. We're now strongly considering uninviting both of them from our wedding but my husband's still a bit reluctant to do it yet cause of the inevitable drama it'll cause with his family," the post concluded.

She asked people on the internet if she was in the wrong for not going along with his brother-in-law's plans for her wedding and wedding dress. The community members swiftly took her side and expressed their confusion about why the brother-in-law was so obsessively trying to match everything with his twin. u/kreeves9 remarked: "It's even more bizarre that the sister-in-law is going along with this craziness, it proves that brother-in-law has met his perfect match. If I were in OP's shoes I'd honestly consider moving to a different state or country if feasible. Also, what do the parents think of this behavior?

Image Source: Reddit | u/thaliagorgon
Image Source: Reddit | u/thaliagorgon


Image Source: Reddit | u/Living-Assumptions272
Image Source: Reddit | u/Living-Assumptions272


u/Good_Ad6336 wrote: "Compromises? What compromises? Your wedding is between you and your future husband. Your brother-in-law is delusional for thinking he has a say in your wedding." u/Aggressive-Mind-2085 added: "What a creepy and ludicrous idea. Just refuse to further discuss it. And if you don't uninvite them, be careful: They might attempt to ruin your wedding dress because, in their sick minds, they might think that would make you wear your sister-in-law's dress." 

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