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Man shares the correct and safest way to defrost a car's windshield in winter and it's not hot water

This expert has yet another tip for his followers when they have to deal with defrosting their cars' windshields in winter.

Man shares the correct and safest way to defrost a car's windshield in winter and it's not hot water
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @jordan_the_stallion8

The weather is getting colder by the minute and several regions in America have been alerted about upcoming or ongoing snowstorms. The temperature is breaking records by dropping lower and lower, but life has to go on. People need to arrive at their workplaces on time and those with private rides might be scratching their heads over how to defrost their windshields after a chilly night. While many people might have opted for pouring boiling water over their windshields, hoping to melt the frost away quickly, TikTok creator Jordan Howlett (@jordan_the_stallion8) warns his viewers against it.

Image Source: TikTok | @jordan_the_stallion8
Image Source: TikTok | @jordan_the_stallion8

Howlett has made yet another video, providing his audience with a life hack during the winter months that will help them safely remove the frost from their car's windshield. He contradicted the use of boiling water, which was suggested by another TikTok creator.  “When you put hot water on a frozen windshield, it will shatter immediately,” Howlett claims in his video. To back up his claim, he shares a story from his childhood. He reveals that as a kid, he was fascinated by the windshields getting frozen over during extremely cold months and just like the other TikTok creator, he thought that pouring boiling water over the glass panel would be the easiest way to clear the frost.

Image Source: TikTok | @jordan_the_stallion8
Image Source: TikTok | @jordan_the_stallion8

“So I tried this out on my neighbor's car,” Howlett said, before adding that the car was a brand new Mercedes that his neighbor had purchased. Howlett recalled filling up his insulated water bottle with boiling hot water and going ahead to pour it over the windshield of the Mercedes. To his horror, the glass shattered immediately. But Howlett's childhood experiments with defrosting windshields did not stop there. He thought that it was just a coincidence that the Mercedes' glass shattered and then he made attempts to defrost two more windows of the same car and they ended up falling apart just like the windshield.

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A post shared by Jordan Howlett (@jordan_the_stallion8)


“That’s when I figured out it was the hot water. I panicked and left,” Howlett revealed. But the funny thing is, he was ultimately caught as the culprit because he left his water bottle left behind, which was marked with his name. “If you wanna make a natural de-icer, just put cold water, isopropyl alcohol and dish soap. That will make a natural de-icer that has a lower freezing point than water. Spray it overnight and it should help by making your windows not freeze over,” Howlett suggested.

Image Source: TikTok | @smileyalby28
Image Source: TikTok | @smileyalby28

Raking over 2 million views, Howlett's video sparked a lot of debate in the comment section where many TikTok users came forward with their own defrosting hacks and others simply agreed with him. @warden_30 joked: "Bro busted three windows before realizing that it was the hot water, what did the neighbor do to you?" @potato_sunshine83 commented: "I am from Texas, one of the hottest states and I know not to pour hot water on a frozen windshield." @rynnrose suggested: "Put warm/hot water in a freezer bag and drag it across a few times, less harsh on the glass while still being pretty fast and effective." @rozieilill remarked: "Okay, listen, I’ve been using warm water, not hot because no ice is too cold to where you can’t use a dishwater that is hot."

Image Source: TikTok | @_lauralee_722
Image Source: TikTok | @_lauralee_722

@amigurumiannie gave an alternative: "Or you could turn your car on, turn on the defroster/back window defroster, go back inside and wait 10 minutes." @jimmyblues666 wrote: "Rubbing alcohol works as well as Rainx deicer. I used both or just start your car and let it run... or quit being lazy and scrape the windows." @grumpjet added: "You all ever do that science experiment? A Coke can with water boiling, then dipped in cold water? Try it with a glass bottle." 

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