A man challenges boomer perspectives, sharing the harsh reality of working 40+ hours weekly while still grappling with high living costs.
The ever-increasing problem of wages failing to match the cost of living continues to affect many working individuals. The younger generations are having a hard time working as much as they can and are still not able to afford the basic cost of living. Robbie Scott—who goes by @robbiesmoonmusic on TikTok—recently posted an important video in which he highlighted this issue and shared how the current economy is not working out for anyone.
Scott starts the video with a screen recording of a man on a news program, commenting on how the majority of the younger generation was not familiar with working 40 hours. His comment prompted Scott to highlight how people in the older generation could not be expected to understand the harsh realities of today's economy. He says, "We need to stop expecting the same damn people who bought a four-bedroom home and a brand new Cadillac convertible off of a $30,000 a year salary, working at Perkins, to understand what it's like to be working 40+ hours a week with a master's degree."
Even when doing so much, most individuals were not even able to afford a small studio apartment in a normal residential area. Scott stated that he did not care which age group people belonged to but that nobody liked working 40 hours a week. He explains, "If that were true, we wouldn't have so many of you trying to become billionaires so that you can one day pay people to do that work for you so you don't have to do it." The creator talked about how the younger generation was very capable of working hard and getting the necessary qualifications.
However, all these efforts proved to be in vain because many people would still live with their parents even after getting a job. He continues, "Millennials and Gen Z are working more than any other generation ever has. It's a fact. We are more educated than any other generation. Also, a fact." Scott talked about how individuals still do not make enough money to have remotely decent living standards, which is incredibly frustrating. The creator stated how he knew people who were in their mid-thirties and had been working for 20 years of their lives.
He reflects on this and says, "That's like 70% of their waking life that they have been working for and they still cannot afford to purchase their first home." The man adds that he did not live in a costly place like New York or Los Angeles, which showcases how dire the situation was. According to him, this was the reason that the younger generation complained about working so much. Nothing seemed to work out, no matter what they did.
Scott clarifies, "If boomers and Gen X had experienced what it's like to work as much as they did and get nothing in return, they would be able to sit across from us and go, 'Oh my god, I feel you. This is so sh***y'." He mentions how people were actually capable of cultivating empathy and that he appreciated people who did. He concluded by commenting on how some people would simply never get it.
People wholeheartedly agreed with the man's breakdown and shared their opinions in the comments section. @nrynk25 said, "I wouldn't mind working if it allowed me to afford things." @blanketsnug commented, "I work 80 hours a week, bringing in around 75K a year. I make twice what my father made at my age and I still cannot afford a 'starter' house."