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Man shares different situations where he has decided to not leave a tip, sparking debate

While many people are questioning the tipping culture around the country, this man shares the situations in which he doesn't tip.

Man shares different situations where he has decided to not leave a tip, sparking debate
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @robert_calver

Leaving a nice tip after eating at a restaurant helps and rewards people in the service industry for their efforts. However, people might wonder if there are certain situations where tipping is unnecessary, as it has become a hot topic. A man named Robert Calver from Michigan—who goes by @robert_calver on TikTok—is posting a series of videos explaining situations where he would not leave a tip. As tipping has been a widely discussed topic on the platform on both ends of the spectrum, people had mixed opinions about what the creator had to say.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Diego Lujan
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Diego Lujan

In one of the videos, Calver is eating fries and a burger with Coke and writes, "If I order standing up, I am not tipping." The video received 1.6 million views and over 128k likes. Several people seemed to agree with the man. @dynaraw209 wrote, "Honorable mention if I'm sitting in my car in the drive-through." While another user commented, "There's such a difference between putting my leftover coins in a jar and spinning an iPad around asking for 20%." For context, there's a concept called iPad tipping, where a person is supposed to pay at least 20 percent of the bill amount as a tip, which many people think is unfair.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Miguel A Padrinan
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Miguel A Padrinan

@jro.phi seemed to agree that the tipping culture is getting out of hand, "It is so crazy like everywhere I go it's just 'it's gonna ask you a couple questions on the screen' like no, I'm not gonna tip you for doing your hourly wage job." While @nathan1990702 joked, "And this is why I always stand up when the waiter comes to take my order at a fancy restaurant." @jalenlott24, who works in the service industry, had a different perspective. "As someone who works for takeout, I feel there are times when I should get tipped. When it's extremely busy and if the order is huge."


Tipping is getting outta control

♬ Bbl Drizzy - TokenAngel


Image Source: TikTok | @robert_calver
Image Source: TikTok | @robert_calver

In his other video, Calver wrote, "If I have to pay before I get the food, I am not tipping." He captioned the video, "We gotta draw the line somewhere. People had mixed reactions about this. @chalifoux38 pointed out how crazy the tipping culture was getting, "Tipping in America is out of control. I tip servers, hairdressers, Uber and for above and beyond service only....." @diamondbackreptiles shared, "I don't tip anywhere, regardless. Unless it's a sit-down place and I was provided with exceptional service and didn't have to keep asking for the same things over and over again. Other than that, none."

Image Source: TikTok | @ematautia
Image Source: TikTok | @ematautia
Image Source: TikTok | @wrenaandbeerus
Image Source: TikTok | @wrenaandbeerus

@heylady58 shared, "The froyo place I go to is self-serve, including toppings, but even the OWNER turns that screen around for me to swipe NO TIP." While @zbolton5 said, "I tip well. Suppose it's asked for or considered normal. Everyone is out here trying to make it, and I doubt I tip more than $50 a week except on vacation." Another user added, "What about to-go orders at restaurants? I always tip 10% because it's usually a waitress that has to package everything up and that takes time." Some people also pointed out how bizarre such scenarios can be. @bucky_billy wondered, "I walked into Little Caesars to get a hot and ready pizza and when I paid, the machine asked if I wanted to leave a tip and left choices, of course, I selected no, why would I tip?"

You can follow Robert Calver (robert_calver) on TikTok for more lifestyle content.

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