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Man shares a valuable trick to take complete advantage of Costco membership using gift cards

Gift cards to give out to family or friends are great but they get even better when they can be bought at a better price.

Man shares a valuable trick to take complete advantage of Costco membership using gift cards
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @raviwadan

A prominent figure in personal finance content creation, Ravi Wadan–who goes on TikTok by @raviwadan–has shed light on a concealed treasure trove within the vast domain of the Costco website. This hidden corner has the potential to unlock substantial savings for customers who may not even be aware of its existence. With great enthusiasm and a desire to impart this money-saving wisdom, Wadan took to TikTok to share his discovery, which has since captivated the attention of over 520K viewers.

Image Source: TikTok | @raviwadan
Image Source: TikTok | @raviwadan

The treasure trove in question is the 'gift cards' section of the Costco website, and it's no ordinary offering. What sets it apart is the incredible value it provides to customers. Wadan highlighted that Costco sells these gift cards for prices significantly lower than their face values, effectively translating into savings for those who seize this opportunity. He begins the video by expressing his amazement at the number of people unaware of this hidden gem, stating, "It surprises me how many people don't know this, but actually sells gift cards to some of your favorite places at a discount." 

Image Source: TikTok | @raviwadan
Image Source: TikTok | @raviwadan

As the video unfolds, Wadan delves into some of the enticing deals available within this hidden corner of the website. It's a revelation that could reshape how people think about gift cards. For instance, various restaurants offer $100 gift cards, which are available on the site for only $80. It means that diners can enjoy a $100 dining experience for just $80, a deal that's too good to pass up. Additionally, for travelers who frequently embark on journeys with Southwest Airlines, a $500 gift card is available for the discounted price of $450, offering them a chance to save $50 on their next flight.

However, it's not just limited to dining and travel. The discounted gift cards on the Costco website extend to pizza giants like Domino's and Papa John's. In a twist that could make pizza lovers rejoice, you can purchase $100 worth of gift cards, divided into $25 denominations, for a mere $80. The math here is compelling: for $80, you could relish $100 worth of delicious pizza, delivered hot and fresh to your doorstep. When every penny matters, this revelation is a game-changer.

Image Source: TikTok | @raviwadan
Image Source: TikTok | @raviwadan

Towards the end of his informative video, Wadan punctuates the significance of this discovery with a poignant remark: "So, if you're not checking for gift cards on, you're not taking full advantage of your Costco membership." It's a wake-up call for all those who have a Costco membership, urging them to explore the vast potential of their membership benefits beyond the aisles of the physical store.

The impact of Wadan's revelation didn't stop at the end of his video. It resonated with viewers, who began engaging in discussions and seeking more information. Some inquired about the availability of certain gift cards, while others wondered about potential hidden fees that might be associated with these discounted gift cards.

Image Source: TikTok | @mrslyds77
Image Source: TikTok | @mrslyds77

@sayaeats inquired about Starbucks gift cards, to which Wadan said he did not spot any Starbucks gift cards on the website. It hints that the availability of discounted gift cards may vary, but there are undoubtedly a plethora of options to explore. Yet, for some viewers, the tantalizing prospect of saving money through this deal gave rise to curiosity about the mechanics behind it.

@skullduster101 wondered how Costco managed to offer these gift cards at such discounted prices without incurring a loss. In response, Wadan admitted that he doesn't have a complete understanding of the financial aspects of this arrangement but emphasized that gift cards often go overlooked, possibly explaining the discounted offerings.

Image Source: TikTok | @punjabdishaanvakhri
Image Source: TikTok | @punjabdishaanvakhri

In the age of financial prudence, Wadan's discovery proves the power of exploring every aspect of a club or an outlet's membership benefits. So, the next time you visit the Costco website, don't forget to check out the gift cards section; you might just find a deal that puts a little extra money back in your wallet.

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