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Man saves 'terrified cat' stuck in Hurricane Ian's rising waters: 'He's everyone’s boyfriend now’

'Watching him approach the cat with respect was beautiful!'

Man saves 'terrified cat' stuck in Hurricane Ian's rising waters: 'He's everyone’s boyfriend now’
Image Source: Megan Cruz Scavo/Twitter

Hurricane Ian is one of the most powerful hurricanes to ever hit the United States. The storm has violently struck southwest Florida and is now moving inland, according to The Guardian. Residential neighborhoods in Fort Myers Beach and other coastal communities were nearly entirely submerged, buildings were destroyed, and trees and electricity lines were uprooted. In these times of distress, people are helping not just each other but also animals who are stranded. A man saved a cat stuck between floodwaters and he is being applauded for his bravery.

Mike Ross lives in Bonita Springs in southwest Florida but had retreated to his parent's place to take shelter from the hurricane as his house was "10 feet underwater." He said that his parents had a "fortress" meant to withstand storms. On Wednesday, at 2 p.m., soon before the Category 4 storm landed in southwest Florida, Ross could see a steady stream of floodwaters gushing out in all directions. Amid the chaos, he spotted an orange and white kitty from his window, stuck on a mounted air conditioning unit looking terrified. He was shocked to see the cat stuck and didn't want to leave it alone in danger. So he rushed to its aid, according to The Washington Post



Ross has lived in the region his entire life and is used to hurricanes, but this one is "absolutely terrible." He added, "The storm surge had rushed up quite a bit at that point." So he jumped into the knee-deep water and tried to reach for the "terrified" cat. He was walking against the current so it took enormous force. He approached the abandoned animal and picked it up, holding it close to his chest. He was able to bring the cat to safety. 



Marybeth Ross, Ross' mother, recorded the rescue on video. She can be heard saying, "Look at Michael saving the kitty. Awww." Megan Cruz Scavo, Ross' girlfriend, posted the video on Twitter and it has garnered more than 145,000 likes. She wrote, "My boyfriend saving a cat from flood waters near Bonita Beach." A Twitter user said, "I’m sorry, Megan, but he is everyone’s boyfriend now. I don’t make the rules." People were touched by Ross' gesture and appreciated him. Another said, "Any guy, who would put himself in that situation, in order to rescue a helpless, scared kitty is a good guy and perhaps a keeper!"



Many people applauded the gentleness as Ross approached the kitten. One user said, "Right? Watching him approach the cat with respect was beautiful! That poor sweetie was clearly afraid, and trusted him to care for it." 



"A cat’s nature is to fight when they are scared especially with a stranger. Your boyfriend was so gentle and measured that the cat read his intent. I love cats and now I think I love your boyfriend a little too. Good job" noted another



The video highlights that there are several other animals who are stranded right now as Hurricane Ian hit Florida. One person tweeted, "This kitty was saved, but I daren't think of how many others won't be. It breaks my heart." Ross, who works as a consultant for a software business, had the same concern. Nonetheless, he is glad that at least one trapped pet is no longer in danger. The cat is presently residing with Ross and his family, and the aim is to adopt it if its owners cannot be found. Meanwhile, his newfound animal buddy has a warm house and a roof over its head.

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