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Man meets woman on blind date without realizing it was actually a prank. Then they fell in love for real

A prank blind date set up by friends led to unexpected love as a man discovered his ‘new type’ in the woman they deemed not perfect for him.

Man meets woman on blind date without realizing it was actually a prank. Then they fell in love for real
Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Alina Rudya/Bell Collective

For some people, dating is a smooth affair. Meanwhile, others struggle with the challenges presented by single life. In a tale of surprising romantic twists, a man's life took an unexpected turn when his friends decided to pull a prank on him by setting him up on a date with a "chubby girl." A 28-year-old medical professional–who goes by u/ResidentThrowRA on Reddit–not only foiled his med school buddies' plan but also found his true love through the "prank."

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

The man with a busy schedule and barely enough time to sleep, had not been on any dates for a long time. "My friends have been pushing me to go out more, insisting that I need a break from the grind," the post read. "A few weeks ago, they set me up on a blind date. They wouldn't stop talking about how 'perfect' this girl was for me, so I thought, why not?" The medical resident met Emily (not her real name), a 26-year-old woman, at a restaurant. The date went smoothly without him realizing his friends' true intention. Despite finding Emily "a little chubby," the man was impressed by her cuteness. "She had this amazing smile, and the way she laughed just made me want to keep the conversation going," he wrote.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas

It turned out that Emily was a geology student and passionate about her work. Interestingly, both of them ended up discussing "volcanic rock formations like it was the coolest thing ever." By the end of the night, the doctor agreed that the topic was more fun to talk about than "cadavers." Clearly, a bond was forming between the duo who also connected over their late autism diagnosis. Unlike any other date, the medical resident claimed, "It felt like we didn't have to pretend much and that made the whole evening feel easy. We just clicked."

Keira Burton
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Keira Burton

Emily was chosen for the "blind date" because his friends or "pranksters" believed she would not be physically attractive to him. However, by the end of their date night, the duo exchanged their numbers and started texting regularly since then. "A few days later, though, I got a really sad message from Emily. Turns out, my friends told her that they set us up as a prank. They set me up with her because they thought she wasn't 'my type' and that they picked her specifically because she's chubby and not what they'd call 'conventionally attractive,' thinking it would be funny to see how I'd react," the post stated.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Alex Green
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Alex Green

The apologetic Emily even confessed that she understood his position if he no longer wanted to continue talking with her. Proving Emily wrong, the medical resident reassured her by asking for another date. "I think she's beautiful—body and spirit. To be honest, she's my new type," he wrote. The couple would soon be heading out together again. This time with no pranks involved.

Image Source: Reddit | u/UncoolSlicedBread
Image Source: Reddit | u/UncoolSlicedBread
Image Source: Reddit | u/TheSupremeAdmiral
Image Source: Reddit | u/TheSupremeAdmiral

"Now, my friends are pissed at me. They're saying I ruined the joke and that I'm being 'weird' for asking her out again," the doctor elaborated. As his friends tried gaslighting him into believing that she was not the right fit for him, he asked the Reddit community whether he was in the wrong. People in the comments are rallying behind the couple for not letting pranks "dictate" their feelings for each other. "You have friends that act like this at 28? Eww. I'd keep the girl and ditch the buddies," u/ImposterSyndrome412 opined. "On top of all that, it is their inability to admit their assumptions were wrong. They assumed OP would be as superficial as them, and when he wasn't, it must be him, not them, that was wrong," u/Business_Sock_1575 added.

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