This is one of the most hilarious shopping stories we've heard and it shows how we can turn an embarrassing situation into a funny one by using humor.
We all have a story or two that can make anyone laugh. One such story shared by a Reddit user involves getting fired from a farm store they didn't even work at. They took to the r/IDontWorkHereLady forum to share their hilarious story of being fired by the manager.
u/Own_Row_9101 started their post with, "I used to work at a West Coast division store of Kroger. My family has several pets and farm animals. So I routinely shop at a local farm store most of the time, I did this after my shift ends which means I am in my work uniform - black slacks, either a dark red polo shirt or a button-up grey shirt that has the store logos embroidered on them. The farm store personnel wear jeans, t-shirts and gold-colored vests with the Farm store logo."
OP was minding their own business at the store when another customer decided to barge into their personal space. "I was in the farm store looking at some electric fence supplies. This woman kept pestering me and asking questions about some jeans she wanted to try on from the other side of the store," u/Own_Row_9101 wrote. "I politely pointed in the general direction of the clothing section, and she stomped off. A couple of minutes later same woman demanded I unlock the changing room for her. I'm rather irritated with her over-aggressive attitude, and snapped, 'NO! Now go away and leave me alone.'"
It did not end there as the woman decided to get the store manager involved. "Again, she stomps off. I picked up a few items and started towards the checkout when I get ambushed by this same woman who now has the store manager in tow. She is demanding I apologize to her. The manager just shakes his head and then asks, 'Would you like to apologize to this customer?'" OP shared.
"'What for? She's rude, obnoxious, and irritating as hell. No, I don't want to apologize.' She screams, 'I've never been so humiliated h-u-m-i-l-i-a-t-e-d in all my life. You need to fire him now,'" they recounted. "The manager, still shaking his head in disbelief and said, 'Well, ma'am, I am not able to do that.' 'And just why not?' she demanded. The store manager is just standing there staring at her. I replied, 'Obviously, she isn't smart enough to figure out I don't work here. So save us both some time and fire me, then maybe she will shut up and go away.'"
The Reddit user shared that the store manager decided to play along and "fired" them on the spot. "'You're FIRED!' the manager said. 'I lean in closer to the woman and 'Are you happy now ma'am? That's the third time he's fired me this week. Have a nice day. Thanks for shopping [at] Smith's Food & Drug.' I walked away as everyone listening starts laughing. The manager hollers at me as I am walking towards the registers, 'See you tomorrow?' 'Yea, I have to get hay and alfalfa.' The woman threw down the jeans she was holding and ran out the doors," they concluded.
Truly, this is one of the most hilarious shopping stories we've heard. It shows how humor can turn an embarrassing situation into a funny one.
This article originally appeared 1 year ago.