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Man has a sassy response to a Boomer criticizing Millennials and Gen Z's attitude towards work

The man dismisses the claim that boomers are better off because they put their all into work while Gen Z has no interest in following the same path.

Man has a sassy response to a Boomer criticizing Millennials and Gen Z's attitude towards work
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @robbiesmoonmusic

Inflation has become one of the biggest barriers for Gen Z and millennials in order to get a good life. The price hike over the years has been so massive that it feels like no amount of work is enough to achieve crucial objectives. It has led to many individuals feeling disgruntled with the work culture and lashing out against it on various platforms. Comedian Rick Mercer (@cbcbecausenews) called out this mentality as obnoxious and snobbish in a viral video. In his opinion, Gen Z is doing exactly what "the vast majority of people in North America have done [a full-time job] for their entire lives." If others could do it, then Gen Z can as well. They should be no different. Robbie Scott–who goes by @robbiesmoonmusic on TikTok–refuted this claim and stated that the groups have different circumstances and therefore the contrasting attitude is justified.

Image Source: TikTok/@robbiesmoonmusic
Image Source: TikTok/@robbiesmoonmusic

Scott begins the video by sharing why he believes it is hard for Boomers to understand Gen Z's situation. "We need to stop expecting the same damn people who bought a four-bedroom home and a brand new Cadillac convertible off of a 30 thousand dollar a year salary working at Perkins to understand what it's like to be working 40+ hours a week with a master's degree and still not being able to afford a 400 square-foot studio apartment in B*m Flock, Iowa," he said. He dismisses the popular notion that Boomers were better off because they put in their all at work. "Nobody likes to work 40+ hours a week. No one likes it, okay?" he added. "If that were true, we wouldn't have so many of you trying to become billionaires so that you can one day pay people to do that work for you so you don't have to do it."

Image Source: TikTok/@robbiesmoonmusic
Image Source: TikTok/@robbiesmoonmusic

Scott believes the anger Gen Z and millennials feel towards the system is justified. Everything the group was told in their younger years has turned out to be a lie. He explained, "What's sh**ty is we're holding up our end of the deal, right? We're staying in school, okay? We're going to college, okay? We've been working since we were 15 and 16 years old. We've built a huge line of credible references doing everything that y'all told us to do. So that we can what, still be living with our parents in our early 20s?" Life has not panned out for this group as expected and for no fault of their own. They are more educated than any other group and put in more hours but still, they have "considerably and disproportionately much less than any other generation has."

He shares how many people he knows in their mid-30s have spent 70% of their waking hours working and cannot afford to buy a home. "That is why some of us are crying. That's why some of us are angry because this is annoying," he shared. "We're holding up our end of the deal and someone on the other side is not holding up their end and it's annoying. Okay?" He ended the video by asking boomers to be thankful for not having these disappointments rather than chiding Gen Z for their beliefs.

Image Source: TikTok/@kayyb92
Image Source: TikTok/@kayyb92
Image Source: TikTok/@mr.west.coastt
Image Source: TikTok/@mr.west.coastt

The comment section was in total agreement. @nrynk25 wrote why they are so against working, "I wouldn't mind working if it actually allowed me to afford things." @blanketsnug commented the story of this generation,  "I work 80 hours a week bringing in around 75k a year. I make twice what my father made at my age and I still cannot afford a 'starter' house."

@robbiesmoonmusic if you get it, you get it. if you don’t, thank God for that. #capitalism #genz #millennial #boomer ♬ original sound - robbie scott


You can follow Robbie Scott (@robbiesmoonmusic) on TikTok for more content on jobs and good music.

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