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Man finds wife’s lost wedding ring among 20 tons of trash — thanks to a celery stalk

"One of the things he said was [inside] was celery stalks, and I could see a celery stalk sticking out the side of the bag," Senibaldi said.

Man finds wife’s lost wedding ring among 20 tons of trash — thanks to a celery stalk
Cover Image Source: YouTube | WMUR9

Wedding rings often cost a lot of money and are kept safely by couples. But a man from New Hampshire mistakenly threw away his wife's rings and had a hard time looking for them in 20 tons of trash. However, he was lucky enough to find it, thanks to a stalk of celery. 

Kevin Butler, from Windham, lost the wedding rings after he threw out a napkin in which they were kept after they were cleared, according to PEOPLE. Butler did not know that his wife had placed the rings there. "She looked around for her rings. I said, "'I've got a good feeling they may be in the trash that I just took to the transfer station,'" Butler told WMUR9. They only realized it after he had dropped their trash at a local transfer station. 


Soon, he was back at the station asking for help. Transfer station supervisor Dennis Senibaldi said that Butler told him that he is "pretty sure" he threw the rings out. And that's exactly what happened. Senibaldi and his coworkers got to work. They checked the CCTV camera to see Butler's trip to the station and where exactly they should start digging. Then the crew used an excavator to look through the garbage. After scooping it out a bit, Butler found a clue that helped them solve the problem. 



"One of the things he said was [inside] was celery stalks, and I could see a celery stalk sticking out the side of the bag," Senibaldi said. The bag was pulled out from the pile and they started searching for it. "As we were going through the bag that we knew was his, he actually said, 'It's not in here.' And I said, 'No, there's a couple of little pieces left,'" Senibaldi said. "I had my rubber gloves on, I moved a few items out of the way and saw literally the very last napkin and I opened it up."

He added that they had the same situation earlier and a ring was wrapped in a napkin among all the trash and they were able to find it. However, Butler "wouldn't recommend" this to "anyone else to do it." But he is ready to go to any extent to find the rings "a thousand times over." To thank the staff at the station, Butler treated them to pizza.



Talking about rings, a man on Tiktok planned a proposal for not only his partner but also her 9-year-old daughter. In the video, the child can be entering the room in the video and the mother shows her daughter the ring her fiance gave, she says, "It's pretty!" She then asks her, "What happened?" while she continues to run toward her mom's fiance. That's when he proposed to the child as well. He asks, "So I got a really important question. Can you be my daughter? Can I be your daddy?" he asks, as the girl is in tears, she says yes! The two hug as the man says, "I'll love you forever, I promise. And I'll take care of you and everything."

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