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Man explains how Tampa Bay has been long protected from hurricanes by ancient spirits

The Tamps Bay area has been free of hurricanes since 1921, and the locals believe that it's all because of the holy spirits protecting the land.

Man explains how Tampa Bay has been long protected from hurricanes by ancient spirits
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @davids..thoughts

The Tampa Bay area has been safe from hurricanes for a very long time, and this time too the residents are pretty confident that the storm will not hit the area, all thanks to a Native American blessing that goes back by hundreds of years. Despite early predictions that suggest that the storm will pass through Tampa, residents say that Native American burial mounds will protect them from the hurricane as they have since 1921. A recent TikTok video by a man named David known on the platform as @davids..thoughts, perfectly captures the local sentiments surrounding the whole legend. 

Image Source: TikTok | @davids..thoughts
Image Source: TikTok | @davids..thoughts

According to the legend, the Native American tribe Tocobaga built burial mounds all across the Tampa Bay area, the largest one resting in what's called "Safety Harbor" in Florida which is a short distance from Tampa. This is mainly why people believe that the land is protected. "If you're from the Tampa Bay area, you already understand what I'm about to tell everyone, so you can keep on scrolling," David says in the video. "There have been ancient spirits that have blessed this land, and the hurricanes will always veer north or south of us, never hit us right on," he adds. 

Image Source: TikTok | @
Image Source: TikTok | @davids..thoughts

He says that people know that it is real because it's the real people who talk about this. "When you wind up having a conversation on the street with your barber, the Uber drivers, they'll tell you that it's the Tocobaga tribe." This time, David says that the storm may veer north and make landfall around the panhandle. "We've got this guy," he says before ending the video. According to the predictions, the storm is making its way closer and evacuations have already begun in the state of Florida. 

Many took to the video to talk about the storm. "This is true. I have lived in Pinellas County my whole life! Last time a hurricane hit here was 173 years ago!" writes @ceci_sweet333. "Born and raised near Tampa and have always heard this. Thankfully every storm has turned even sometimes at the last minute," writes @MindyLynn.

Florida is known for getting the most number of Hurricanes in the nation. This is why the state looks into ways to counter the effects of the natural calamity. One way of doing so is by building sustainable homes. According to Good News Network, some of the sustainable homes designed by Pearl Homes have proved to stand strong amid the last hurricanes Idalia as well as Ian. The strong homes stood their ground while all the neighboring homes were destroyed. Moreover, it was also seen that the structures didn't even suffer a power outage. 

Image Source: TikTok | @Hlhoots
Image Source: TikTok | @Hlhoots
Image Source: TikTok | @kimberlipope
Image Source: TikTok | @kimberlipope

Called the "Hunter's Point" these homes are part of an 86-developmental unit. Speaking with Forbes, Blake Richetta, the project partner shared how Marshall Gobuty, the founder put in a lot of work. “He never quit no matter how hard the situation was in that market, he just didn’t stop." These first-of-its-kind single-family modern housing developments have the potential to be the savior of the environment and could be monumental when it comes to dealing with hurricanes. 

You can follow David (@davids..thoughts) on TikTok for more lifestyle content. 

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