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Man displays hilarious realities of growing up with siblings and it's resonating with many

The man highlights all the fun games and pranks that siblings pull off on each other while growing up in a funny video.

Man displays hilarious realities of growing up with siblings and it's resonating with many
Cover image Source: TikTok | @tiffytoky

Growing up with siblings can really make childhood very eventful. There always seems to be company for embarking on many adventures and activities in one's home. Benjamin Tiffen–who goes by @tiffytoky on TikTok–shared a video that perfectly captured all the memorable moments an individual has when they spend most of their childhood with a sibling. The relatable video has gone viral, garnering nearly 16 million views and 25.6K comments on the platform. 

Image Source: TikTok | @tiffytoky
Image Source: TikTok | @tiffytoky

The text overlay on the video reads, "POV: You grew up with siblings." Tiffen covers many incidents that regularly occur between siblings. It kicks off with Tiffen and his brother sliding down the stairs in their house that contains a lot of blankets. We can hear the siblings excitedly laughing as one of them slides down the stairs into the camera. The duo also showcases some contentious issues, such as a struggle for the water from the tap when brushing their teeth in the morning. Viewers can hear serious arguments from the boys as they jostle to get their toothbrushes under the water. 

Image Source: TikTok | @tiffytoky
Image Source: TikTok | @tiffytoky

The video cuts to reveal Tiffen quickly coming into his brother's room with a text overlay that says, "Trashing their room when they've gone out." He tosses his brother's folded blanket around and generally makes a mess of the room as he leaves while annoyingly leaving the door open. After this, the creator highlights something that frequently happens between older and younger siblings while playing video games. The older child always has to be "player one" when playing a video game and never lets the younger one take this position. Then, the viewers hilariously get to see the boys fighting for the controller to be "player one." 

Then there are less exciting but important problems, such as making sure tasty food is always split evenly between siblings. We can see Tiffen hunched over what seems to be a chocolate dessert, concentrating on making sure that he cuts it evenly. The video goes on to showcase many of the fun games that siblings play, such as the airplane game, having staring contests, stealing phone chargers from each other and stopping halfway down a slide to prevent the other from going. The clip concludes with both brothers playing on a seesaw and one of them jumping off just as the other reaches the top, causing him to fall onto the ground painfully.

Image Source: TikTok | @xenix999_
Image Source: TikTok | @xenix999_
Image Source: TikTok | @emilymainnn
Image Source: TikTok | @emilymainnn

People who watched the video found it relatable and shared their experiences in the comment section. @m00kieb00kie said, "The airplane game would either be really fun or really dangerous. Like you could be having the best time ever and out of nowhere, just fall and hit." @jar_rees2010 commented, "I slid down the stairs with blow-up mattresses. The funny thing is, at the bottom of the stairs was a radiator, and we would die crashing into that." @skvv.1 shared, "Real ones know if you had 2, they'd swing the youngest like a skipping rope."

You can follow Benjamin Tiffen (@tiffytoky) on TikTok to see more hilarious sketches like this. 

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