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Man comes up with sweet solution to spend more time with girlfriend despite busy schedules

He works all week, and she works during the weekend, leaving them no time to make memories.

Man comes up with sweet solution to spend more time with girlfriend despite busy schedules
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Josh Willkins

With busy lives and even busier schedules, it is challenging for modern couples to find time for each other. Mica—who goes by @micmicaa on TikTok—shared a video explaining that her boyfriend Jamie came up with a wholesome gesture to spend time with her. The woman explained that she and Jamie had different working schedules and they didn't have much time together. “He works full time during weekdays and I work on weekends,” Mica explained in her video’s caption. This left the couple no time to catch up. To beat the odds, Jamie decided to wake up early on his day off and make time for Mica before work.

Image Source: TikTok|@micmicaa
Image Source: TikTok | @micmicaa

“He wakes up at 3:30 am on his only days off just to walk with me for 20 minutes from the station to work because he didn’t want me to walk alone,” Mica shared. The woman added that there were multiple reasons why Jamie chose to wake up early, per Newsweek. "Jamie started walking me to and from the station ever since we started dating and moved in together. We work at the same shop, and he does this for several reasons. He wants to make sure I am safe and not walking alone. Since we're saving for a car, he also wants me to save money from booking an Uber because I'm a student with tuition to pay," Mica explained.

Image Source: TikTok|@micmicaa
Image Source: TikTok | @micmicaa

In the video, Mica shared her early morning routine with Jamie by her side. She showed clips of Jamie getting ready at sunrise, walking with her to the station, and waiting until her train arrived. Mica detailed their commute: a short walk from their apartment to the station, a 20-minute train ride, and another 20-minute walk to her workplace. Jamie's presence ensures her safety and helps save money. Plus, they get to enjoy meaningful conversations together.

Mica admits she's not a fan of waking up early, but spending time with Jamie makes it worthwhile. "I do hate walking as much as waking up at 3:30 am but waking up and walking with my boyfriend to work even on his only days off makes me feel secure and motivated to start my day.” She added that her partner makes extra efforts to be consistent despite any obstacles. “Even when he's hungover, he still walks with me because he can't go back to sleep until he knows I've arrived safely.” Having Jamie not only walk her to but also from the station is a delightful bonus for Mica.

Image Source: TikTok|@nicetohavetomorrow
Image Source: TikTok | @nicetohavetomorrow
Image Source: TikTok|@dubsentertainment
Image Source: TikTok | @dubsentertainment

“Seeing him pick me up from work is the best reward after a long day," she added. People had mixed opinions about the exhausting tenure but many applauded the duo’s commitment. @melhalden wrote, “This is the sweetest thing ever. So thoughtful and caring.” @sanirayray75 said, “This man loves you beyond the moon.” @nrl1980 exclaimed, "You guys make a great team. Good guy right there."


He works full time during weekdays and I work during the weekends but he'd still wake up on his only day off just so we can walk going to work together instead of walking all alone

♬ One more time one more chance - Maul


You can follow Mica (@micmicaa) on TikTok for more wholesome content on relationships and lifestyle.

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