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Man captures a terrifying shot of the Great Blue Hole after dropping a drone in water

The idea was to explore if the drone could reach the bottom and discover the treasures within.

Man captures a terrifying shot of the Great Blue Hole after dropping a drone in water
Cover Image Source: YouTube | Will Mitchell

Modern technology allows us to explore natural wonders that were once dangerous or inaccessible. Will Mitchell, a real estate investor in Belize, used an underwater drone to explore the blue hole in Belize, sharing the eerie footage on YouTube. Elvis, the owner of the nearby Itza Hotel, explained that the blue hole is a collapsed sinkhole that was dry land about 2,500 years ago.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | David Bartus
Representative Image Source: Pexels | David Bartus

The center of the land collapsed and gave way, forming a big hole filled with water. The sides of the blue hole have massive stalactites and stalagmites. "There are some pretty cool structures down there. It is more of a geological dive," Elvis shared. "You are swimming in a place that was once dry land." The man had been on quite a few expeditions, hence Mitchell turned to him for advice before they went on and explored the place with his underwater drone. The team was concerned about how well the structural integrity of the drone could bear the pressure in the area and how the sharks present there would react to the drone. The team had previously dropped a GoPro attached to dive weights and dive lights but they couldn't maneuver it.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Arthouse Studio
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Arthouse Studio

"We're going to be dropping the five fish down to the bottom, 400 feet and we are hoping to find a Rolex and a GoPro," Mitchell explained. He mentioned that there were more sinister things at the bottom of the hole that they didn't want to see. Mitchell voiced his worries on whether the drone could bear 2500 PSI of pressure that was at 400 feet in the sinkhole. "We have this pneumatic claw that we are going to attach to the five fish. This is going to allow us to pick up the GoPro and the treasures at the bottom," the real estate investor explained. After ensuring they had a visual connection to the drone, the team finally put the drone in water.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Francesco Ungaro
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Francesco Ungaro

"And just like that we're going," Mitchell pointed out as the drone began its marvelous-looking journey to the bottom of the blue hole. "We are at the deepest we've ever been," the man said after reaching a certain point close to the floor. The drone reached a place that looked like a cave and Mitchell was hesitant to send their drone inside as they were not sure they would be able to get it out. However, he did send the drone in. "So there's the stalactites and that's how we know that this was once a cave that was not filled with water," Mitchell pointed out. "Oh! what? a crab!" a person screamed as the drone showed the crab indicating that they'd reached the bottom of the blue hole. They found a plastic bag and decided to remove it with the help of the claws attached to the drone.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | George Desipris
Representative Image Source: Pexels | George Desipris

The drone came back safely with the plastic bag. "We are going to frame this and put it in our office," the real estate investor expressed. They eventually put the drone Five Fish back into the water as they wanted to see how the sharks would react to it. "We had seen a few on our way down and they looked quite curious," Mitchell noted. "This is exactly where we found out how they would react and it's shocking footage," the man stated as the camera showed a close-up of a shark, inching closer to it. It suddenly disappeared but came back to attack the drone as the camera clearly captured, leaving it slightly damaged. They managed to pull the drone out but realized that the shark had taken a bite out of it. The team later managed to get it back in working condition.   


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