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Man calls girlfriend a 'gold digger'—what she does next leaves the internet cheering for her

The couple had initially agreed to share chores and expenses equally, but after his promotion, he stopped contributing.

Man calls girlfriend a 'gold digger'—what she does next leaves the internet cheering for her
US Dollar bills arranged in a pattern. (Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Olia Danilevich; (Inset) Reddit | u/Designer-Mongoose308)

Relationships are often about compromise and mutual respect, but what happens when one partner feels the scales are tipping unfairly? That's what happened to a 30-year-old woman, u/Designer-Mongoose308, who recently shared that her boyfriend called her a "gold digger" after she requested fair compensation for taking on extra responsibilities. She recounted how an initially balanced arrangement with her boyfriend turned sour after he received a promotion. Despite his increased contribution, he began slacking on household chores, leaving her to take on the extra burden. She shared her story on Reddit, asking for opinions from those who have faced similar situations.

A woman crying while sitting beside a man. (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Antoni Shkraba)
A woman crying while sitting beside a man. (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Antoni Shkraba)

It all began with an arrangement that seemed equitable. "I moved in with my boyfriend a little over a year ago. We had an understanding that we'd go 50/50 on chores and bills until we decided to have a baby," she wrote. "I believed this was fair because if we did have a child, I'd be putting my body, career, and life on the line, so he'd need to contribute more to balance it out." For a while, everything went smoothly. That changed two months ago when her boyfriend received a promotion and a slight raise. While his financial contributions improved, his effort at home dwindled.

Stressed Couple Explaining Things to each Other - Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mikhail Nilov
A stressed couple explaining things to each other. (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Mikhail Nilov

"He stopped doing his share of the chores. I found moldy pots he'd left in the sink for days, and he skipped buying groceries during his assigned weeks. It started to feel like I was the only one maintaining the house," she explained. Frustrated by the growing imbalance, she tried to offer solutions. "I suggested hiring a cleaner to split the load, but he said he didn't want strangers in the house. Then I suggested we order groceries to save time, but he called me frivolous for even bringing it up," she wrote. Seeing no other option, she proposed a new arrangement, "I told him I'd be happy to take on more of the household responsibilities, but if I did that, it would mean reducing my work hours from five days to four."

"Since this would impact my career and income, I also said I'd expect to be fairly compensated for the additional labor," she said.

His response stunned her. "He called me a 'gold digger,'" she wrote. "I wasn't asking for designer handbags or luxury vacations. I was asking for fair compensation for the extra work I'd be doing to keep our home running smoothly." Feeling undervalued and disrespected, she decided to leave. "I packed my belongings, blocked him on all platforms, and moved out that same day," she shared.

After learning what happened between the couple, their friends were on her side in this situation. "One of the male friends we have in common mentioned that he's been watching podcasts recently about masculinity," she added, which gave her the idea of where all his recent thoughts were coming from.

Image Source: Reddit | u/Renway_NCC-74656
Image Source: Reddit | u/Renway_NCC-74656
Image Source: Reddit | u/jezebel103
Image Source: Reddit | u/jezebel103

Her post struck a chord with Reddit users, many of whom applauded her courage and shared their own experiences.

u/MaintenanceWine commented, "Agreed! At her age, I would never have had the smarts to see what was going on and the backbone to say, 'Not today, Satan.' Love that for her!" u/AdSuccessful2506, added, "Congratulations you dodged a big bullet, his issues will be bigger and bigger." Others reflected on the misogyny highlighted in today's world. u/StellaStewieStanley wrote, "The number of podcasts with deeply toxic ideologies circulating right now is concerning. I'm sorry your boyfriend fell for it."

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