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Man 'beached' a rental car and then gave an TV interview so funny, even the anchors lost it

The man, identified as Muhammad, drove a rented Nissan Patrol onto Melbourne’s Elwood Beach, claiming he was trying to 'save someone.'

Man 'beached' a rental car and then gave an TV interview so funny, even the anchors lost it
Man being interviewed by the reporter on the Melbourne beach. (Cover Image Source: YouTube | @TodayShowAU)

Australia Day came with its fair share of surprises, but nothing quite as unexpected as the sight of a Nissan Patrol being stuck on Melbourne's Elwood Beach. A bizarre situation unfolded in the early hours of the morning, with the driver, Muhammad, offering one of the most memorable interviews to date. The drama began when Muhammad drove his rental car onto the beach, only to get it bogged in the sand. Local reporter Christina Hearn from Today's 9 News interviewed him and asked him why he drove his car to the beach. "I was just trying to save someone, and he left," Muhammad explained.

Car on a beach - Representative Image Source: Pexels | Shaan Johari
Car on a beach - Representative Image Source: Pexels | Shaan Johari

When Hearn asked Mohammad, "You know you can't drive on the beach in Melbourne," he admitted, "Now I do know you told me, but I didn’t know before." When the reporter asked if it was his car, Muhammad stated that it was a rental, though he jokingly added, "It’s kind of mine but not fully." He maintained a lighthearted attitude about the ordeal, stating, "It is what it is. It happens, you know what I mean? But it’s not impossible. Nothing is impossible." Despite the unusual circumstances, Muhammad remained cheerful and confident. "I believe in myself. I’m confident. You know, people go to the moon. I’m not going to be able to get a car off the water? Come on, what do you think I am? I’m no one. I’m something. I’m a human. I got a power," he declared.

The exchange became even more comical when Muhammad proposed a bet with the reporter, "If I don’t get it out, I’ll give you this four-wheel drive. If I get it out, you get me another one exactly the same." Laughing, the reporter replied, "Perfect, the deal is on. Good Luck Muhammad, we'll be here all morning watching you." The situation quickly escalated, drawing a crowd of onlookers, police officers, and even a tow truck. However, the tow truck driver assessed the situation and promptly drove away, declaring the task impossible.

While Muhammad managed to get the car out, he did not do it by himself. He had to wait for a bulldozer, which eventually arrived to rescue the stranded vehicle. As the morning progressed, beachgoers arrived to find a front-end loader pulling the Nissan Patrol off the sand. The police, who had been observing the situation, administered a breathalyzer test to Muhammad. While the results were not disclosed, he was eventually allowed to drive away. It turned out that Muhammad had driven over a concrete walkway, narrowly avoiding rolling the vehicle.




“He’s very lucky there wasn’t anyone on the beach in the early hours of this morning,” the reporter noted. Reflecting on the morning’s events, Hearn said, “Well, you never quite know what you’re going to get on Australia Day.” The interview was shared by the channel on X (formerly Twitter) and The absurdity of the situation drew equally amusing reactions from the public. @CARN0N said, "That perfect. People can just sit in the aircon while also in the water!" @6DemonBag1 wrote, "'I'm a human, I got a power' That's when the tow truck driver knew he was defeated." @tejateja9999 asked, "Need an update. Did he take her to dinner?" @njwfairhurst joked, "Perfect opportunity for the classic - 'you can’t park there mate.'"


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