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Mail carrier leaves heartwarming note after family leaves ice water for them on hot days

It can be very exhausting for workers delivering parcels and this incident showed that a small act of kindness can go a long way in helping them.

Mail carrier leaves heartwarming note after family leaves ice water for them on hot days
Cover Image Source: (R) Reddit/ Photo by JJaySmokes (L) Pexels/ Photo by Kindel Media

Online shopping is all the craze right now. As per Statista, there has been a sharp increase of 13% in online shopping after the pandemic. Though online retailers are enjoying this boom in business, delivery partners are being overworked to their maximum extent. Guardian has revealed how delivery personnel are so busy that they have to undertake 14 hours a day delivery and also have no time for bathroom breaks. The work pressure is extremely high as the personnel are not allowed to return any parcels and are forced to constantly meet their delivery rates. Oftentimes the whole process becomes mentally taxing for the partners. During such circumstances, polite customers go a long way in providing comfort. A recent Reddit thread showcasing the appreciation for Delivery partners for their genuine efforts towards them is going viral. It has received 4.1k upvotes by now.

Image Source: Reddit/ Photo by @JJaySmokes
Image Source: Reddit/ Photo by @JJaySmokes


The job of delivery partners becomes more difficult in summer because of the heat and dehydration. Seeing all this and hearing about the increasing difficulties of the delivery partners Reddit user @JJaySmokes decided to do his own part to a small extent by arranging for ice water for his mail carrier. Through this, he wanted to ensure that they could do their work with ease and comfort. The note that the carrier left for the Redittor makes it evident that they appreciated this kind gesture. The note read "Thank You Sooo much for the Ice Water!!!" and was adorably accompanied by a drawing of a mailman in their truck indicating that they enjoyed the offering.

The Redditor and his family were happy with receiving this note as his gesture was successful in a small way and posted the note. Though this gesture was heartwarming it is not the only way an individual can thank their mail carriers. In order to appreciate the mail carriers individuals can give them a Thank you card or a letter. The delivery partners will also cherish gift cards from places like Target and other shops so that they could buy something for themselves. Individuals can also buy gifts for mail carriers guessing their needs like warm gloves during winter or a thermos flask during summer. Baked food is also a great alternative for gifts as they reflect personalized effort from the side of the giver. People can also communicate their appreciation verbally for the mailmen through polite behavior. This habit should also be taught to kids so that they can also be appreciative of the delivery personnel.

Image Source: Reddit/ Photo by tampasanta
Image Source: Reddit/ Photo by tampasanta


Image Source: Reddit/ Photo by LQQKITZME
Image Source: Reddit/ Photo by LQQKITZME


The comment section was filled with love for the act. Being a mailman @LQQKITZME agreed that such gestures are important and boost the overall morale, "I've been a mailman for well over 30 years. You have no idea how much this means to us. Most of the carriers now are working almost non-stop to get all the Amazon delivered so a cold drink might be sorely needed at that moment. Those trucks get HOT." @tampasanta shared how he and his wife try to do their bit and commented, "Excellent! My wife and I leave Gatorade for our garbage men and recycling men every week. Ice cold. Their favorite flavors. They work their asses off in the Florida heat and deserve to be treated with respect and care. It’s not difficult to be nice to people".

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