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Maid of honor stands up to rude bride after witnessing her cruelty toward grieving bridesmaid

A maid of honor was shocked to see her best friend and would-be bride act rudely towards their mutual friend and decided to take a drastic step.

Maid of honor stands up to rude bride after witnessing her cruelty toward grieving bridesmaid
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Jonathan Borba; (inset) Mumsnet | Rolomania

Weddings are a time for family and friends to come together, each contributing in their own way. The maid of honor, in particular, plays a crucial role, offering emotional support and helping with wedding traditions. But what happens when the maid of honor pulls out just weeks before the event? That's exactly what happened in this case, and she had a valid reason. Rolomania took to the Mumsnet forum to ask if she did the right thing by stepping down as maid of honor.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Edanur Sonkaya
A celebratory cake (Representative Image Source: Pexels | Edanur Sonkaya)

The maid of honor shared that her best friend—whom she had known for over 10 years—was about to get hitched. "She has a lot of great qualities about her, which is why she is my best friend despite having to tell her to keep her opinions to herself sometimes," the woman explained in her post. "I am her maid of honor in 12 days and she has two other bridesmaids. She has, in my opinion, taken it too far this time and spread her judgemental opinions onto our other friend who is currently grieving a very close relative."

The grieving friend was shattered at the would-be bride's lack of compassion towards her and decided to walk out of the wedding preparations. "I told my best friend that her comments were nasty and she seems not to care. She said she can't be bothered with someone dimming her shine with grief whilst she's trying to focus on the wedding. I just feel like pulling out of being the maid of honor and telling her I've put up with some opinions from her for the last 10 years, but she's taken it too far," the woman concluded. She wondered if she would be wrong to pull out of the event because the would-be bride had already paid for her hair and make-up for the wedding that was to take place in the next 12 days.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Karolina Kaboompics
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Karolina Kaboompics

People on the forum dropped in to share their views on whether or not the woman should ditch her best friend's wedding after witnessing her cruelty towards the grieving friend. GatherlyGal suggested, "I'd probably suck it up and get through the wedding, then pull away from her after. I'm not big on confrontation though, so maybe that's just me. Is it worth the big drama and upheaval? Will it achieve much or just cause her stress and spoil her day? Be the bigger person and deal with it later." The woman who shared the post replied to the comment and wrote that "she was planning to suck it up and show up to the wedding, but since they weren't on talking terms, it would be awkward to show up at her big day."

Baklavamama mentioned, "The key issue is that you're not on speaking terms. It seems incompatible with being the maid of honor." OhshutupBarbara questioned, "Ultimately if you pull out now, your friendship will be over. Are you prepared for that? She sounds like a rude person anyway, so for me personally, I would not want her in my life." Hiddenvoices added, "I would also message her and say that you're upset with her comments and she either apologizes to a grieving friend or finds herself a new maid of honor. If you remain maid of honor, then I would definitely distance myself from her after the wedding. I know some people can be difficult leading up to their weddings, but her comment was nasty for no reason."

This article originally appeared 2 months ago.

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