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Long-lost twins reunite with the help of social media in an extraordinary turn of events

Long-lost twins, separated at birth, reunite in a heartwarming tale of fate, thanks to the internet and its reach.

Long-lost twins reunite with the help of social media in an extraordinary turn of events
Cover Image Source: Facebook | Sartania Anno

Social media can be a wonderful tool for bringing people together. This was exactly the case for Ano Sartania and Tako Khvitia, who were twins who got separated at birth and lived in different cities in Georgia without ever meeting. According to La Repubblica, Sartania lived in Tbilisi, while Khvitia lived in Zugdidi. The duo were reunited, all thanks to TikTok. Sartania ended up getting a TikTok video from a friend who pointed out that the girl in the video, whose hair was dyed blue, had a shocking resemblance to her.


Her friend shared the video to ask her about her sudden change in hair color and she was shocked to learn that it was not her in the video. Sartania decided to investigate and put the video on a Facebook group to see if someone would recognize her doppelgänger. Thanks to the far reach of the internet, Khvitia came across the post and exchanged contact information with Sartania. They got to talking over the phone when it dawned on Sartania that she was talking to her long-lost twin.


They met up two years ago near the Rustaveli Bridge in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi. Sartania spoke about the whole ordeal, saying, "Every human being has a smell of their own. When I hugged her, I felt a feeling of familiarity. Then the voice, it's as if you already knew what voice [she] had." Their mother, Aza Shoni, gave birth to them on June 20, 2002. Due to some complications with the birth, she wound up in a coma after giving birth. Gocha Gakharia, her husband, was sure that the twins were not his children and chose to illegally sell them to families living in different parts of Georgia.


So, Sartania grew up in Tbilisi, while her twin sister was 160 miles away in Zugdidi, both of them unaware of each other's existence. Even though both of them were separated and led different lives, they both took up dancing. Their love for dancing also led to their actually competing in the same dance contest in the city of Tako when they were just 11 years old. Many spectators noticed the uncanny, similar looks that both of them had, but nobody was able to confirm the truth.


Sartania said, "I always had this feeling that someone was following me everywhere I went. Every day, I had the same dream of a little girl dressed in black, asking me questions about my daily routine." These visions, which she didn't understand at the time, now make sense as a kind of connection to her long-lost twin. Currently, the duo is inseparable and quite active on Instagram and Facebook. They frequently post stories where they can be seen traveling wearing matching outfits.

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Even though the reunion has mostly been a happy one, the twins do not want to meet their biological father, which they confirmed with a DNA test. Sartania spoke about it, saying, "Now he wants a relationship with us. But it will never happen." These girls are one of many victims of Georgia's infamous illegal adoption rings. Because of these rings, roughly 100,000 children were sold in the country between 1950 and 2006.

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