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"Lock him up!": Protestors chant as Trump speaks at NYC Veterans Day parade

After the World Series game and UFC fight, the New York City Veteran's Day Parade was the latest example of the first amendment in action.

"Lock him up!": Protestors chant as Trump speaks at NYC Veterans Day parade

United States President Donald Trump arrived at Manhattan’s Madison Square Park ahead of New York City's annual Veteran's Day Parade earlier this week. However, New Yorkers weren't quite impressed with his presence at the event. As he began his address, he was met with dozens of angry protestors carrying signs calling for his impeachment and chanting, "Lock him up! Lock him up!" Some windows of the high-rise buildings in the area too were covered in signs reading “IMPEACH” and “CONVICT” in giant black lettering, The Huffington Post reports. It appears that New York City is no longer Trump's home ground.


In regular Trump behavior, the President refused to acknowledge the protest, ignoring the chanting entirely. He told the crowd of about 200 individuals, "To every veteran here with us, to the thousands preparing to march on Fifth Avenue ― it’ll be really something ― and to the 18 million veterans across our country, the first lady and I have come to express the everlasting love and loyalty of 327 million Americans." Initially, the President and First Lady Melania Trump were expected to lay a wreath at the Eternal Light Memorial following his speech, but ultimately watched the rest of the ceremony from behind glass on the stage.


Meanwhile, outside Madison Square Park, Veterans Day Parade attendees (which included quite the mix of Trump supporters, anti-Trumpers, and, of course, veterans and their families) lined the streets of the route the parade would follow. Former Army Maj. Gary Canns, 68, of Manhattan, for instance, stated that he came out to support his fellow veterans and claimed that Trump was not a source of pride for New Yorkers. "I’m a New Yorker and I’m a little ashamed that we’re giving the world candidates like [former New York Mayor Michael] Bloomberg and Trump," he stated. "Why can’t we come up with someone a little more inspiring?"


Others, however, believed that the Veteran's Day Parade shouldn't be politicized by divisive party associations. Diane Atkins of Brooklyn, who honored the President’s roots during the parade, told The Huffington Post, "Every New Yorker should be grateful that the president of the United States came to show his respect to the veterans. I think everybody should just put their politics aside... For today. You can hate on him tomorrow if you want, but just come out here, be an American." She was all decked out in red Trump gear and matching red nails.


This is not the first time the President was booed or protested in the recent past. At Game Five of the World Series at Nationals Park in Washington last month, for example, was the first time Trump was outwardly booed in such a manner. The same occurred at a UFC fight in New York earlier this month. As the impeachment investigation gains traction and the 2020 Presidential elections loom closer, this may be a sign of where Trump stands regarding electability as of now. Should he be unable to climb out of the hole (read: grave) he seems to have dug for himself, the United States may be looking at a Democratic win during the next elections.


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