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Little grandson surprises grandpa after not seeing him for years and their reunion is heart-melting

The grandfather, at first, couldn't believe his eyes when his adorable little grandson gave him a wholesome surprise.

Little grandson surprises grandpa after not seeing him for years and their reunion is heart-melting
Cover Image Source: YouTube | Theresek1

The relationship between a grandparent and a grandchild is one of the purest and coziest ones. Nothing beats the warm hugs and over-pampering grandparents render to their grandchildren. Having a little bundle of joy to watch growing up all over again becomes a renewed purpose for grandparents in their lives. Theresek1 shared a video on YouTube of how she and her family gave her dad the most wholesome surprise ever. The woman captured the entire moment, which will undoubtedly make for a core memory in the future. The clip was reshared by an Instagram page dedicated to wholesome content, Inside History

Image Source: Instagram| @insidehistory
Image Source: Instagram| @insidehistory

Recording the surprise unfold, the woman, who is the kid's mother, is seen walking with the little munchkin. As they move along the rooms to look for the boy’s grandpa, the duo whispers inaudibly. As soon as they find the room, the little boy says, “He’s in here.” The mom replied, “Go wake him.” The little boy ran into the room where his grandpa was sleeping and yelled, “Grandpa!” The grandpa woke up startled and immediately realized that his beloved grandchild was standing before him. He sat up on the bed in disbelief, trying to figure out whether he may have been dreaming and looked at his daughter.

Image Source: Instagram| @insidehistory
Image Source: Instagram| @insidehistory

The grandson immediately leaped and gave him the biggest hug and the grandpa couldn’t help but gasp and lay back down with his little kiddo caressing him dearly. “I can’t believe you. I can't believe this,” the grandpa said, still at a loss for words. “I was just thinking about you," he added. “We were going to surprise you,” the little boy said eagerly and his grandpa delightfully responded, “You did surprise me!” The entire family couldn’t help but gleam with joy and laughter over the wholesome event. “That was a good surprise! Look how big he is,” the grandpa said, overwhelmed with emotion.

Image Source: Instagram| @insidehistory
Image Source: Instagram| @insidehistory

The woman shared more about the planning and reason behind the heartwarming surprise in her caption. It read, “Heartwarming surprise for my dad. My parents live in Germany and normally visit us in the States during the spring and fall. Due to health issues, my dad isn't able to fly. He tells me all the time how much he misses his grandson. How great it was to surprise him! My mom was in on it the whole time.” The video amassed over 20K likes on YouTube and went viral on several platforms.

Image Source: Instagram| @insidehistory
Image Source: Instagram| @insidehistory

With almost 1K comments, people couldn’t get enough of the wholesome gesture and the grandpa’s reaction. While some bawled their eyes over the surprise, others took a moment to remember their grandparents. @AnimaSola3o4 said, “Grandpa thinks he's dreaming for a minute and doesn't wanna wake up! So sweet.” @tonyspadaCATDAD said, “This is what life is about. The love of family. Making the people in our lives feel good.” @ARiddle1986 said, “Beautiful. You gave him the best present ever. I bet he felt a lot better after that!” @BorikuaRebelde said, “Your daddy is like a little kid on Christmas day!” @mandelstuvning said, “My cheeks hurt so much, can't stop smiling! That is one happy grandad!”


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