This little girl showed that she cares about the smile on her brother's face more than anything after spending all of her book fair money on him.
The bond between brothers and sisters is often bittersweet. People typically find siblings teasing and squabbling with each other but when the time is right, they never fail to show their affection for one another. Natasha Howe—who goes by @natashahowe15 on TikTok—a mom of a little girl and a boy captured her kids in one such sweet moment when her older daughter did something extremely wholesome for her younger brother.
In the clip, Howe's daughter, who only appears a bit older than her younger brother, enthusiastically walks in to their house after having a possibly exciting trip to her school's book fair. The overlay text on the video gives a brief insight into the backstory of the video and reads, "When your daughter goes to the school book fair and spends all her money on her little brother." The little girl quickly grabs her backpack and fishes out a Mario book she specially got for her brother.
Her brother seems to be mesmerized by the gift he received. Just then, Howe, who was recording the video, asks her son, "What will you say to your sister for buying you the book?" The little kid says nothing while hugging his sister tightly for the gift. Howe's video of her kids reached millions of viewers and went viral. The TikTok audience melted over the cute moment between the brother and his big sister and even pointed out the particular moment when the little boy hugged his sister hard enough to send the Mario book flying away from his grip.
@ireneuniversalpa wrote: "I come from a low-income family and I remember my mom gave me $20 going to my first field trip ever as a third grader to the LA zoo and I bought my brother something and I didn’t have enough to buy myself something and my mom was really upset and yelled at me and I was so sad because I thought I was doing the right thing since I love my brother so much and now as an adult, I know she wanted me to enjoy." The video was also reposted on Instagram by @realkingsgive where it got a bunch of thoughtful comments.
@the_same_richard pointed out: "Him throwing the book when hugging her really does feel symbolic of what the gift-giving love language is all about. It’s not about the gift, it’s seriously about the thought and how someone cared enough about you to take time and possibly even money to get/make something special for you. You don’t even think about the gift after a certain point, you just think of the person who loves you and how much you love them. It’s beautiful, and I love humanity for it."
@doggyboyrescue shared: "I remember when I was a child, my older brother and I were given a certain amount of money each to get whatever we wanted in the store. We started at the video game section, legos, cars and toy section. Until I found this Barbie doll dream house. I wanted it so bad, but I knew I couldn't afford it. My brother combined his money with mine and bought the doll house for me. I remember going home later that night, sitting next to him as I watched him build it. Posts like this remind me of his love for me. All he ever wanted was for me to be happy. Thank you for reminding me of that tonight."
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Well, these displays of affection are not limited to sisters doing wholesome things for their brothers. In a similar story, two older brothers went viral while caring for their infant sister and showing the world that men are allowed to be vulnerable as well. The trio's mother, Celeste Queena (@celeste_queena on TikTok) filmed her two teen boys being openly affectionate with their little sister and giving her all the love and care in the world.
Queena aptly captioned the video, "When your brothers come home from school and they don't care if momma had a rough time putting their baby sister to sleep." The teens named JJ and Tylen return from their school and right after sparing a kiss for their mom, they shift their attention towards the little bundle of joy. "Where's Serenity?" JJ asks his mother. The mother tells them that she is asleep. However, before she could stop them, Tylen quickly picks her up from the bassinet and Serenity starts getting a lot of kisses and cuddles.