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Little girl requests her favorite teacher to adopt her for this heartbreaking reason

A troubled student with a difficult life turned to a teacher at her school and asked him if he could adopt her.

Little girl requests her favorite teacher to adopt her for this heartbreaking reason
Multi-ethnic students sit into the class for the first day at school. (Representative Cover Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Manon Allard)

Not every child is fortunate enough to come from a loving family. Some have to endure a lot of hardships in the problematic surroundings they grow up in. A teacher on Reddit, u/Devo4711 wasn't prepared for a certain interaction with his student, which left him speechless. He started the post by mentioning that no amount of schooling could have prepared him for what he heard from one of the students in 3rd grade. 

Little girl, daughter suffers from her parents fighting, quarrelling, screaming. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Alex Tihonov)
Little girl, daughter suffers from her parents fighting, quarrelling, screaming. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Alex Tihonov)

"Last year I had a wonderful student who was taken away from her home because her mom had a drug problem and her dad wasn’t any better," the teacher wrote in his post. "She ended up living with her aunt but due to the long drive, she ended up switching schools. She returned to our school after her aunt was able to find a way for her to get her to and from school. She’s in 3rd grade now and so am I since I moved up from 2nd though she’s not in my class." However, the third grader appeared in front of the teacher referred to as Mr. D during recess on a Friday. She asked Mr. D if he could adopt her.

The teacher was taken aback and he was unprepared to answer her earnest question. "It broke me and she was serious. I would adopt all these kids if I could. How do we do this?" the post mentioned. Then through an update made on the original Reddit post, the teacher thanked everyone in the community for their advice and suggestions on this matter. "I’ve probably cried more times this weekend than I ever have. Second, tomorrow I am speaking with our school counselor to find out how her situation is at her aunt’s house. Maybe there’s more to it and that’s why she asked me to adopt her. We don’t have students tomorrow for staff development day so hopefully, on Tuesday we can find out more info," the post concluded.

Happy male teacher giving high-five to schoolgirl at doorway in school. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Maskot)
Happy male teacher giving high-five to schoolgirl at doorway in school. (Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Maskot)

The community felt for the little girl who was going through a lot of difficulties in her formative years and was clearly struggling to find an environment where she could be at peace. u/RopePositive mentioned, "I work with a teacher who took in one of our students as her long-term foster child. Wonderful girl who didn’t deserve what was happening to her, a wonderful colleague. Love is the worst feeling." u/SnoopyisCute shared, "It's very, very hard. I'm not a teacher. I'm a former cop and advocate. I had to stop going to court because I honestly contemplated kidnapping some of those children that neither side of the family deserved to have."

Image Source: Reddit | u/PaleontologistEast76
Image Source: Reddit | u/PaleontologistEast76

u/Winnie1916 advised, "We all feel for this student. But, teacher adoption is probably not going to be the answer. The student is not with parents, but that does not mean parent rights have been terminated. If parents are working on the reunification plan child services has set for them, they will regain custody. She’s with her aunt. Child protection prioritizes families for foster care and adoption. How do we do this? One day at a time. Every day we give it our best and hope it is enough."

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