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Little boy finally meets his online best friend in person after 3 years of Facetiming

They connected with each other while playing video games during the COVID-19 lockdown and stayed in touch for three years.

Little boy finally meets his online best friend in person after 3 years of Facetiming
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @espn

Friendships are crucial to have a fulfilling and rich life. Good friends are with you through all the ups and downs of life, however, the truest form of friendships are difficult to find. The ones who do end up finding it are some of the luckiest people in the world. These friendships can be fostered in unexpected places and as times have moved forward, people's methods of connecting and finding these friends have also changed. Though many naysayers still believe that the internet cannot formulate a deep connection, the beautiful bond between two young boys proves them wrong. They bonded while playing video games and stayed in touch until they found the time to meet each other in-person.

Image Source: TikTok/@espn
Image Source: TikTok | @espn

In this video posted by ESPN on TikTok, two boys meet for the first time after being connected through FaceTime for three years. The boys, Brayden and Sebastian, came across each other while playing Fortnite and Roblox. During the pandemic, when children were locked into their houses, these two became each other's source of comfort. After the restrictions were a bit relaxed, the parents hatched a plan to have the boys meet in person. They chose the Mississippi Gulf Coast as their meeting location. Both the children arrived by car with their mothers.

Image Source: TikTok/@espn
Image Source: TikTok | @espn

The video starts with Brayden coming out of the car. He playfully asks his mother, "Why you get the camera? Huh? Why you got the camera?" The mother replied that she wanted to get his reactions on camera. It was evident that Brayden was a bit nervous, having never met Sebastian in person and this back and forth put him at ease. When Sebastian's car arrived, his mother also started recording the whole meet-up. Brayden's mother started the interaction by saying, "Hey, Sebastian."

Brayden was a bit taken aback at first, seeing Sebastian face-to-face for the first time. However, he could not control his excitement. He immediately went and hugged him. His laughter was truly infectious and the love he felt for Sebastian could be felt throughout their interaction. Sebastian was ecstatic seeing Brayden in person after constantly being in touch with him for three years. The heartwarming video was originally posted by @misunderstood8614, Brayden's mom, who has since deleted it, per SunHerald.

Image Source: TikTok/@dougiet0304
Image Source: TikTok | @dougiet0304

After garnering traction, the video was reposted by @espn. The comment section was in love with the whole interaction, as @tokyosnfa talked about her online friendships, "I played Little Big Planet for years, meeting new people online, making best friends. Life was so happy and pure, this would've made my year." @thicknbouji appreciated the parents who arranged this meeting for the happiness of their children, "Mommy's are the best." @andressjesuss shared their opinion and said, "Video games can create meaningful relationships."


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