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Little boy becomes the ultimate hype man for his best friend in class: 'That's my boy!'

In the video, a little boy can be seen cheering on his best friend with great enthusiasm as he answered the teacher's questions correctly.

Little boy becomes the ultimate hype man for his best friend in class: 'That's my boy!'
Cover Image Source: Instagram | kinesthetic__learners

On the days when we are upset, sad and shaken, all we need is a true friend by our side. Many of us know that and for this reason, a clip of a little boy cheering on his best friend in class is winning hearts everywhere. The now-viral video was shared on Instagram by "Kinesthetic Learners".

In the video, a little boy can be seen cheering on his pal with great enthusiasm as he answered the teacher's questions correctly. Their teacher asked the youngster named King to pick out the right numbers from the cards on the table and as the little one chose the right answer every time, his personal hype man shouted his approval. "Yeah!!! That's my boy," the adorable young man shouted as his friend picked up a card with the number one written on it.


Many social media users found the video truly heartwarming and were quick to point out the cuteness and good vibes of the video. "I’ve seen this 100 times and I’ll watch it another 100. Pure gold," @noonanguy wrote. Another Instagram user who goes by @Inmea commented, "This might be the case of extroverts finding an introvert and becoming best friends forever." @kimlast said, "Kids ALWAYS learn from their environment. His dad's probably screaming 'That’s my boy' so I’m guessing he’s in a great environment," while @rob_4eva wrote, "It starts at home and that young man has great people in his life that want to see him succeed. Motivating others - love to see it."

People continued pouring love for the kids. @sauceoflife wrote, "He was so happy for his boy... He didn’t even care to clap when the others are... There's so much to learn from this. Your real friends can celebrate your wins happily with you, in their own ways and sometimes not the way you want them to..." @babypecy noted, "I need to meet his daddy, cos he is hyping his boy up so much that little man learned how to lift others too."

We all love to be cheered by the ones we love. In another beautiful video shared on social media, a father-daughter duo can be seen performing ballet together to the song "You Say" by Lauren Daigle. The dad cheers for his daughter and follows the dance steps perfectly well with his daughter, including the lifts and sways. The crowd can be heard clapping for the two after the amazing performance. The video was posted on Reddit by u/TheAfternoonStandard.

Image Source: Reddit/u/TheAfternoonStandard
Image Source: Reddit/u/TheAfternoonStandard

The post is captioned "Dad and Daughter Moments: A Ballerina's First Public Performance With Her Father." Reddit users appreciated the father for being there for his daughter. u/Daphnetiq commented, "It's adorable. He's even matching her pink outfit. I love how other parents on the back are also supportive." u/ThreeLeggedParrot wrote, "I'm so excited for this. I CANNOT WAIT to participate in something with my daughter that she is interested in. I can't freaking wait."

u/jentlyused said, "Warms the heart to see involved parents like this, and all the encouragement behind them." Meanwhile u/tkingsbu pointed out, "Pure love. As a dad, that made me smile. What a lovely family." u/hungrymimic commented, "This dad is really going for the gold in Dadism."

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