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Server who works at Korean restaurant shares important PSA for older non-Asian people

The server shared the PSA after he had some weird encounters with older patrons who were not Asians.

Server who works at Korean restaurant shares important PSA for older non-Asian people
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @dragonfacedkiller

We live in a world filled with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds. As many places have immigrants also, we tend to see folks from different races almost everywhere. On that note, it is also crucial that one should not ask uncomfortable questions to the other person about their culture and history. Such conversations are best avoided as culture and race tend to be deeply personal things about an individual. TikTok creator @dragonfacedkiller recently shared a video informing people why they should not conclude that everyone who works in an Asian restaurant is an immigrant. The video has got 310.2K views on the social media site with 588 comments.

Image Source: TikTok | @dragonfacedkiller
Image Source: TikTok | @dragonfacedkiller

He starts the video by calling it a PSA for people who are not Asian but have parents who frequently visit Asian restaurants. The man shares that he works at a Korean restaurant even though he is actually from Laos, Vietnam. He shares, "I got an American name and I got a Lao name." The man seemed to notice that non-Asian couples who came into the restaurant would always treat him very weirdly.

Image Source: TikTok | @dragonfacedkiller
Image Source: TikTok | @dragonfacedkiller

The creator explains by saying, "You know when someone is so old that they say something, it's not racist. But if it was any other age group, it would be racist." He states that he was grateful that the couple did not call him derogatory names. The man mentions how he happened to be serving an old white couple and they asked him about his name. He gave them his American name, the one which he was born and raised with.

Image Source: TikTok | @dragonfacedkiller
Image Source: TikTok | @dragonfacedkiller

The couple replied, saying, "That's not very Korean." He informed them that he was not Korean, at which point the couple asked him which part of Asia he was from. The creator hilariously replied, "I'm from the part of Asia called Hartford, Connecticut." He explains how he was raised in America and never left the East Coast. The man also observed how non-Asian people think that Asian people who work at Asian restaurants are all "hard-working immigrants."

Image Source: TikTok | @dragonfacedkiller
Image Source: TikTok | @dragonfacedkiller

He understands that people just want to make conversation and be nice but how it is so wrong on their part to guess that everyone at an Asian restaurant comes from the same background. People on the site agreed with the creator's insights and chimed in with their thoughts in the comments section. @teabooger said, "People are calling you sensitive but don't realize it's pretty demeaning to be constantly asked where you are 'really' from every day as an American."


Image Source: TikTok | @lostpinhead
Image Source: TikTok | @lostpinhead


Image Source: TikTok | @michelleliu42
Image Source: TikTok | @michelleliu42

@datanthony shared, "Yo, it's always the same for us. I'm Cambodian and they always ask where I'm originally from. I was born and raised here." Another individual, @joey_yosef, commented, "I had an old white lady ask me what part of Korea I'm from while I was working at a Korean restaurant (in Texas). I'm Hispanic bro." @evilla823 said, "I usually just agreed with whatever they say and go, 'Oh wow, how did you know?' Too much energy for me to tell them more when I'll never see them again."

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