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Kitten stranded in heavy rains gets a new lease on life thanks to elderly couple‘s love and care

They shielded the kitten from the rain by covering it with their umbrella, displaying their compassion and care.

Kitten stranded in heavy rains gets a new lease on life thanks to elderly couple‘s love and care
Cover Image Source: Reddit | u/LiteratureOk5964

Life is often fraught with challenges and hurdles that can leave us feeling overwhelmed. However, amidst these trials, one of the most beautiful aspects of our existence is the ability to provide solace and support to one another. These helping hands can also be extended to innocent animals in distress. It was seen in a video uploaded on Reddit by u/LiteratureOk596416 where an elderly couple rescued a stranded kitchen. In the video, we can see a couple standing together under an umbrella as they try to rescue the kitten from heavy rain. The kitten was on the top of a tin shed and the couple picked it from there.

Image Source: Reddit | u/LiteratureOk5964
Image Source: Reddit | u/LiteratureOk5964

Also, they are seen covering the kitten with their umbrella to save it from the rain. The kitten was likely at the shed near their house and they saw it struggling and came to save it. After the couple picks up the kitten, they hold it with care and take it to their home. 

Hereon, the couple uses a towel and hairdryer to dry the water off the kitten and to make it feel warm. The woman is also seen gently caressing the kitten while the man is talking to it. He also makes the sound of a cat, "meawww" and talks to the kitten. Then, they play with the kitten as it lies on the woman's hand. The video ends with the cat drinking some milk and it looked more comforted by now.

Image Source: Reddit | u/LiteratureOk5964
Image Source: Reddit | u/LiteratureOk5964

This adorable video received love on Reddit with 2.7K upvotes and many comments. u/herebertsherbert49 wrote, "Bless them for looking after that sweet baby, giving him TLC and getting him warm and dry." u/DollarstoreGnomes expressed, "That baby just hit the Loving Family jackpot." u/LittlexCherry wrote, "That kitty is gonna be spoiled greatest love story ever." u/blowcamaro commented, "Probably abandoned. My kitten was. I found it by my front door in a bush. Still have blue eyes. No mother ever saw either. Maybe it was the runt? It happens. I just give it even more love to make up for it."

Image Source: Reddit
Image Source: Reddit

In another story about a cat, Randi McGlone Reyna lost her cat most unexpectedly. Reyna bought a new recliner chair to relax with her cat, Inky, while watching some television. After careful consideration, she selected a soft grey model from the Big Sandy Superstore, located near her home in South Ashland, Kentucky.

Upon delivery, her feline companion quickly claimed the chair for herself and climbed inside without Reyna's knowledge. Unfortunately, Reyna decided to return the recliner due to its button-operated reclining mechanism, which she found unappealing, as reported by The Washington Post.


“I hated it — the chair turned over on top of me,” said Reyna, 59. “So I called the store and told them I wanted to buy a chair with a manual lever.” Soon, two delivery workers came to take the recliner back on March 1. At this moment, Inky was nowhere in sight, and Reyna was worried. On the third day after Inky had gone missing, her phone rang and an employee from the Big Sandy Superstore warehouse in Wheelersburg, Ohio, contacted her. “Do you have a black cat?” the store employees asked her.

They informed her that a cat had jumped out of the chair when it was returned and ran away quickly. "They told me that my cat had come out of the returned chair as soon as they set it down inside," she said. Reyna was finally reunited with her beloved cat Inky, putting all her worries to rest.

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