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Kindergarten kid's response about her stay-at-home mom's career on school worksheet is so wholesome

The mom also displayed the photo that her daughter drew of her at school and it is bringing smiles to people's faces.

Kindergarten kid's response about her stay-at-home mom's career on school worksheet is so wholesome
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | Natalie Bond; Reddit | u/TigerChow

The hard work of stay-at-home moms often goes unrecognized, with many questioning their daily contributions. However, a child, observing their parent's efforts closely, truly understands their value. They know how much their moms sacrifice for them. A mother shared her daughter's responses on a worksheet when she was asked to write about her mother's career. And the kid's answer is truly wholesome.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Sarah Dietz
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Sarah Dietz


u/TigerChow shared the picture of a worksheet that her daughter filled. It read, "A career is a job that you train for and plan to have for a long time. I know many people with careers!" The six-year-old child wrote, "Mom" has a career as "taking care of me." She also drew a picture of her mother with green eyes, brown hair and a cute smile. 

Image Source: Reddit | u/TigerChow
Image Source: Reddit | u/TigerChow

The mother wrote in the post, "I've been more or less a stay-at-home mom for my daughter's whole life. I make some money on the side with babysitting and pet sitting. Many of her friends are kids I've taken care of, along with her, over the years. She's currently in kindergarten. And I do indeed have curly brown hair and green eyes. The crazed-looking smile is probably also not wildly inaccurate. Super made me smile to see it."

Garnering around 361 upvotes, the post captivated readers with the girl's touching acknowledgment of her mom's dedication. u/Critical-Art-9277 commented, "That's so sweet what a little sweetheart. It's wonderful the work you're doing with the kids and pet sitting and babysitting." To which the mom responded, "Thank you, I really appreciate the kind words! I'm pretty lucky to have her." u/ShallotHolmes wrote, "I think she was going for the Peppa Pig style but somehow drew two noses or as she mistook them for ears."

Image Source: Reddit | u/kristycocopup
Image Source: Reddit | u/kristycocopup

u/FireFairy323 shared, "Looks like Sid from Ice Age. I do want to add I think this is adorable. This is one for the keep folder." u/SummerMaiden87 expressed, "Awww." Small things like these show what kids think of their parents and it is safe to say for this little kid her mom means a lot to her. She knows what she does for her daily and the kid respects her for that.  

Another mom, u/SeaHorizon, also shared a sweet gesture that her daughter made for her. She gave her a money envelope and a note. She described her mom as a "frugal" person on it. The mom explained, "Celebrated my birthday this money envelope from my 11-year-old with this message...she knows I am frugal... lol." The picture shows a red envelope that reads, "Love you! mamma cutie. From: Ivaanya." There is some money kept below with a note that reads, "To, Maa only spending money. Please don't save. Love, Ivu."

The mom went on to add in the comments that her daughter is her best friend and she turned 11 on February 25 and received some money from family and friends. "I was so touched that she took some of it and gave it to me today for my birthday...oh my heart," the mother wrote. People loved the child's gift for the woman. u/dbt187 commented, "Aw I love this OP. She sees how hard you work and save and just wants you to treat yourself." u/808zAndThunder wrote, "You’re doing an amazing job as a mom OP. Maybe use the money to get some ice cream with her."

Image Source: Reddit | u/plsnobanty
Image Source: Reddit | u/plsnobanty

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