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Kind woman finds a baby crow on the roadside and stops to feed it worms: 'You're so cute

Blaire dug the ground nearby to find worms for the young crow. She shared that they fed him six worms before leaving.

Kind woman finds a baby crow on the roadside and stops to feed it worms: 'You're so cute
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @rvantures

Many people come across animals who are struggling and are either hungry or wanting some help. However, only the kind-hearted take the time to rise to their aid. Leslie Blair is one such person. She found a cute baby crow on the side of a road and made sure to feed it some food. The heart-warming moment was captured in a TikTok video posted by Blair. The video begins with the crow calling out hungrily and Blair icking a worm to feed the fledgling.

Image Source: TikTok | @rvantures
Image Source: TikTok | @rvantures

The text overlay reads, "Help me feed a baby crow." She picked a worm on the side of a road and put it into the crow's mouth using a small stick. "Hold on, hold on, baby!" she said trying to console the crow when she saw him crying out. As the bird finished eating the worm, the woman asked him, "Better? Better?" He started to make sounds that seemed like he wanted more food and so Blair ran to get another worm for the fledgling.

Image Source: TikTok | @rvantures
Image Source: TikTok | @rvantures

Meanwhile, someone is heard saying, "You're so cute, baby. Where is your mommy?" Then she is seen digging in the ground using the same stick to find another worm for the hungry bird. "One more and then we got to go. Oh my God! He is fighting down," she expressed as the crow continued to make sounds. After this, a friend is heard asking Blair if she gave him worm pieces and she tells her that she gave him the whole worm and he ate it up. "How are there no worms?" Blair fumed while digging the ground for worms. Her friend showed her one and she picked it up to feed the fledgling. But it fell from her hand when she was about to put it in his mouth and she said, "You are freaking me out a little bit."

Meanwhile, somebody walking by stopped to check what they were doing and Blair explained that they were trying to feed the baby crow because he couldn't find his mom. She started to look for another worm to feed the crow. That's when the fledgling began to walk towards them making the same sound. "It's a bit dramatic. What do you want me to do?" the content creator asked the bird. Blair continued to dig the ground to find another worm.

Image Source: TikTok | @justanothercrowwithamic
Image Source: TikTok | @justanothercrowwithamic

The video was captioned, "Found this little guy on our walk yesterday." People were happy to see what Blaire and her friend did for the fledgling. @southerngothicdollhouse commented, "I would have immediately canceled all of my plans that day and got myself a baby crow." @wrenraven wrote, "His mom watching you from the tree because he was supposed to be learning to hunt and he got fast food." @DanielleLee shared, "Crows remember faces forever so this little guy will literally never forget this sweet act of kindness." @theshleepyslug expressed, "The way I’d lose my mind if I found a baby crow?! You’re coming home with me. Now I’m your mommy."

Image Source: TikTok | @Ejay
Image Source: TikTok | @aliendeathpie

In a follow-up video, Blaire shared that they scooted the baby crow to the side of the path so that he wouldn't get run over. She shared that they fed him six worms and left after that. Blaire conveyed that they mainly did that because they didn't want to take him to an unfamiliar area and they were sure that the mother of the crow was somewhere around. They decided not to call a rescuer because the animal didn't seem like it needed help or rescue.

@rvantures Found this lottle guy on our walk yesterday #baby #crow ♬ original sound - Leslieblair


You can follow Leslie Blair (@rvantures) for more content on travel and other things.

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