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Kind stranger en route to office happily assists a lost dog in finding its way back home

With no words or familiarity, the stranger hopped in to help the dog. What's more, the dog had a plan and the duo executed it perfectly.

Kind stranger en route to office happily assists a lost dog in finding its way back home
Cover Image Source: TikTok| @yu.yu5560

A little humanity and kindness can go a long way in someone’s life and what may seem like a simple gesture to us, amounts to just about everything for someone else. @yu.yu5560 shared a video exercising this small act of kindness that helped a pet dog find their way home. The most adorable part was how the duo, though strangers, cooperated and understood each other and managed to find the dog’s home. The video on TikTok has amassed several likes and comments thanks to the smart and conjoined effort put in by the individual and the dog. It just feels like one of the intelligent doses of kindness with its uniqueness.

Image Source: @yu.yu5560
Image Source: TikTok| @yu.yu5560

The caption read, “On the way to work, I met this cute dog and helped it find its way home. So happy.” The person is seen in a lift with the dog as they click on the buttons to stop at each floor. The video captured just a glimpse of the act but it was certain that the dog and the person both knew what the plan was. The dog shrewdly stepped out of the lift at every floor it stopped to look around and identify whether it was the floor it lived on. As soon as it realized that it was not the right floor, it would go back into the lift and wait for it to move up. Though the stranger was astounded by the intellect of the dog, they got a hang of the plan and accompanied the dog as the floors passed by. 

Image Source: TikTok| @yu.yu5560

The dog sniffed around, looked for recognizable items and surprised the stranger with their vigilance and keen observation. Their sharp skills together with the individual’s motor skills worked perfectly to help get the dog home. After a few floors, the dog immediately ran outside the lift indicating that it had found its home. However, the stranger didn’t leave the dog. Instead, they went out of the way and stepped out of the lift to follow the dog and ensure they reached their home safely. The clever dog ran ahead and then came back meeting the individual halfway, looking at them hopefully. The dog's eyes gave away the idea that the dog needed more help and the stranger readily obliged.

Image Source: TikTok| @yu.yu5560
Image Source: TikTok| @yu.yu5560

On reaching the doorstep of the dog’s house, the dog waited patiently while the stranger picked up the clue and went ahead and knocked on the door for the dog. As soon as the door opened the dog immediately rushed in happily. While the video ended there, commenters were able to gauge the joy the stranger must have felt in cooperating with an unknown yet witty and adorable dog to help find their home. It was a random bond the duo formed and it is these kinds of experiences that add a spark and lasting touch to one’s life. Over 9k people applauded the dog for its wit and the person for their astuteness and helpful nature. @mattbonde said, “Everyone is talking about the dog being smart, which it is. But I would have never thought of trying something like this as a human.” @thatnat_ shared, “Are you kidding? What a smart doggy! Thank you for helping him!”

Image Source: TikTok| @bbvalentine
Image Source: TikTok| @bbvalentine


Image Source: TikTok| @mrtylercooper
Image Source: TikTok| @mrtylercooper


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