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Kid who can't keep calm runs adorably into dad's arms to accompany him on his graduation day

A heartwarming video captures the joy of a child as he runs towards his father to join him for a memorable graduation ceremony.

Kid who can't keep calm runs adorably into dad's arms to accompany him on his graduation day
Cover Image Source: TikTok | @savswens

Getting a proper education has become a necessity in order to maintain a decent lifestyle for most individuals. While most people get their education done at a very young age, others take some time to get around to it and that's okay. Age should never be a barrier to learning. In addition to that, adults who lead a family life and still manage to complete their education while handling their daily duties should be commended for their efforts. TikTok content creator @savswens shared a video of her son greeting his dad during his graduation ceremony in medical school.

Image Source: TikTok | @savswens
Image Source: TikTok | @savswens

The wholesome and heartwarming video has an impressive 17.9 million views on the platform, along with 2,764 comments and 3 million likes. The caption reads, "This moment was pure magic today!" In the video, viewers get to see an auditorium filled with graduates who are slowly walking out after getting their degrees. The boy runs to his father, who can be seen coming out of his seat. He extends his hand and crouches down as he notices his son eagerly coming to greet him. 

Image Source: TikTok | @savswens
Image Source: TikTok | @savswens


Image Source: TikTok | @rodo..belico
Image Source: TikTok | @rodo..belico


Image Source: TikTok | @roodsplitter
Image Source: TikTok | @roodsplitter

Other people who saw the boy's reaction were very touched by the munchkin's wholesome reaction to his father graduating. The father picks up the boy and the duo walks off, waving goodbye to the camera. The text overlay on the video reads, "POV: Your dad just graduated medical school and will forever take care of you." People loved the video and shared their thoughts about it in the comments section. @medschoolmum shared, "When you have kids as a student- they become symbols for the whole class." @winxedits2011 pointed out, "The way the guy behind rubbed his back."

Image Source: TikTok| @antoniorossi004
Image Source: TikTok| @antoniorossi004

An individual's graduation is a very important and crucial time in their life. The event also holds an important place for the families of the students. For most parents, it is a time when they proudly celebrate the academic milestone of their child. TikTok video creator @antoniorossi004 managed to capture a parent's joy on video at their child's graduation at the Fletcher Academy. This moment was made even more special as the father was actually the principal of the institution and got to hand over his son's certificate to him.

Image Source: TikTok| @antoniorossi004
Image Source: TikTok| @antoniorossi004

We can see the boy go to the stage to collect his certificate, adorned in a blue graduation gown. The principal, who was also the boy's father, immediately took out his phone once he handed over the certificate to snap a selfie with his son, who had just graduated. The text overlay in the clip, also shared by the academy, read, "When your dad is the principal." The seamless switch in roles was very nice to see. The crowd laughed at the father's eagerness to take a photo and cheered them when they posed for a picture. The video went viral for the unique circumstance under which the boy got his degree.

Image Source: TikTok| @antoniorossi004
Image Source: TikTok| @antoniorossi004

Many people shared their opinions on the interaction in the comments section. @mmingo33 said, "Such a cool moment. Proud dad and proud son, so cool." @tingv4401 said, "He's first and foremost a dad! Second, a principal." The father responded to the comments in the section, explaining why he decided to take a photo: "It was a spontaneous moment because the other parents were able to take pictures and that was the only way I was going to be able to. He is my oldest and a fulfilling moment as his father."

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