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Kamala Harris telling her great-niece 'You could be president' is the cutest election stress buster

Comfortably seated on her great-aunt's lap, Amara spoke at length about her own presidential ambitions.

Kamala Harris telling her great-niece 'You could be president' is the cutest election stress buster
Cover Image Source: Instagram/Meena Harris

If you think Kamala Harris has big career aspirations, you should meet her great-niece. The 4-year-old little munchkin is already cooking up plans for her global domination and we're totally on board. In a short exchange posted on social media by Harris' niece, Meena Harris, the Democratic vice-presidential candidate is seen having an intense discussion with Meena's daughter, Amara Ajagu, about the young girl's hopes and dreams for the future. Comfortably seated on her great-aunt's lap, Amara spoke at length about her own presidential ambitions which sound like something she's put a lot of serious thought into.



"This conversation went on for like an hour," Meena captioned the video on Instagram. In the video, Amara appears to be consulting the prospective vice president on the challenges she might face on her path to the White House a few years down the line. Harris hypes up her great-niece saying: "You could be president. You could be president, but not right now. You have to be over the age of 35." As it turns out, Amara never doubted her ability to earn a seat at the Resolute desk. Her concerns were something else altogether.



"For context, my daughter wants to be both president and an astronaut," Meena revealed on Twitter. The 36-year-old lawyer and author shot to internet prominence this year through her fantastic social media presence and position in the Biden-Harris campaign. Speaking to NBC News last month, Meena revealed how she's passed on to her two young daughters a lesson her aunt taught her throughout her childhood: If you see injustice, you must take action. "In times like these, it's not always obvious what you can do—as an ordinary person—to make a difference. Especially in activism and politics, the barriers to entry can seem awfully high. But not everybody has to make that big leap," she said.



"When Aunt Kamala and mom were young and would come home from school complaining about something they felt was unfair, my grandma would reply, 'Well, what are you going to do about it? Don't sit around and complain about things, do something,'" Meena recounted. "Aunt Kamala always emphasized this lesson to me by urging me to make my own unique contributions to issues I care about. Sure, she’s always encouraged me to run for office, but she never pressured me, and she also let me know that I could make an impact in other ways. And, of course, none of us can do everything, but we all have the responsibility to do something."



"I sometimes joke that this is how I was raised—by strong, brilliant women who ran around saving the world and helping one another succeed: a hardworking single mom, a grandmother who taught me I should always make an impact, an auntie who showed me I could do and be whatever I wanted to be," she continued. "In every sense, this community of women made me who I am today. Now that my partner and I are raising a social justice family of our own, we're doing everything we can to provide the same experience, instill the same lessons, and lift up the same kinds of role models. Likewise, my Aunt Kamala takes very seriously her role as a great aunt in helping to shape my daughters. If she had her way, the girls would be on the campaign trail with her every day."



The girls clearly share a close bond with their great-aunt as was evidenced by a heartwarming video Meena posted earlier this week which shows them meeting Harris for the first time this year. Watch:


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