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Journalist breaks the internet with amazing half-court basketball shot during live report

The reporter who was covering news of a stunning blindfolded basketball shot ended up sinking a half-court himself.

Journalist breaks the internet with amazing half-court basketball shot during live report
Cover Image Source: Fox 4

Basketball is a game that relies heavily on a player's technique and accuracy. While it may seem quite simple to get the ball into the hoop, there's quite a lot of practice that goes into executing a shot, let alone a half. Interestingly, luck also plays a huge factor in nailing a tricky shot, especially a blindfolded one. A reporter was sent to do coverage for a story about a high school basketball coach who had made an astounding blind shot from the half-court. In a sudden turn of events, the reporter actually ended up nailing the half-shot himself while doing the coverage in the viral video, as reported by Fox News 8.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Markus Spiske
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Markus Spiske

The reporter happened to be covering the story about basketball coach Joel Branstrom, hailing from Olathe Northwest High School, who became famous in 2010 for making the amazing blind shot, which was originally intended as a prank. According to, the coach was informed on Friday that he would be given NCAA Final Four basketball tickets if he could hit the almost impossible shot. The premise of the prank was that students would begin cheering for him after he threw the ball, pretending like he actually got the shot even when he didn't. To everybody's surprise, Branstrom went ahead and made the long 47-foot shot.

Brad Keepes, one of the students who orchestrated the prank, said, "I never thought it would get this far, but it's just one of those amazing things that happen." He also shared how he loved that Branstrom got it and that there was no "better person" who could have nailed the shot. His clip became quite popular and was the No. 1 play on ESPN's "SportsCenter" in its top 10 countdowns on Monday night. So, the fact that the reporter also made a seemingly impossible trick shot while covering a story about one made the news clip even more special.

In the video, the reporter is seen bouncing a basketball and saying, "What was supposed to be a prank on a teacher backfired on the students. A blindfold half-court shot that is now the talk of campus and beyond." He throws the ball behind him in the most casual way as he concludes his sentence. Viewers can see the ball going straight into the hoop, at which point the reporter looks around in disbelief. The cameraman affirms to the reporter that his shot did go in.


He still does not appear fully convinced and asks if it was caught on camera, which the cameraman confirms. The reporter still cannot believe the shot actually went through and continues questioning the crew if it actually went in before the clip concludes. Such moments are quite rare in basketball, much less in the world of journalism. It goes to show how luck and timing can really play a huge role in creating unique and special moments such as this. It's very sweet to see the reporter ask around in utter disbelief, somehow unable to convince himself that he actually made such a difficult shot.

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