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Joe and Jill Biden ordered the same dish at a restaurant and people are losing it on the internet

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden's dinner order sparked an online debate, but what does their twin order reveal about couples' attitudes toward food

Joe and Jill Biden ordered the same dish at a restaurant and people are losing it on the internet
Cover Image Source: GettyImages/ Photo by: Kevin Dietsch/Sergio Amiti

When President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden visited The Red Hen restaurant in Washington, D.C., for an intimate dinner for two, it was not the location that made tongues wag, but what they ordered. As it turns out, the Bidens had ordered the restaurant’s signature dish, Mezzi Rigatoni, a $24 dish consisting of tomato, fennel sausage ragu, and pecorino Romano. This seemingly innocent order sparked an online debate, with many wondering if the key to a long-term relationship might lie in having the same meal.

The idea that the Bidens had both chosen the same dish for their dinner sparked numerous debates on Twitter, with most disagreeing with the idea. Food writer Regina Schrambling had tweeted wondering if the "secret to long-term compatibility" could be found in the Bidens' twin order and Washingtonian food editor Jessica Sidman responded by saying, “There are 2 types of couples in this world: those who order the same dish at a restaurant and those who would never ever dare”.



The Red Hen’s chef and owner Michael Friedman found the debate hilarious, saying, “It’s such an honor to have a presidential visit, but it’s funny that this is what came out of it. It’s a fascinating thread people have chosen to follow, and I’m just really enjoying the banter.” The married chef added that he and his wife usually get different dishes since they have different preferences.

Image Source: GettyImages/Photo by: Sergio Amiti
Image Source: GettyImages/Photo by: Sergio Amiti


The debate over Biden’s dinner order has highlighted the various attitudes couples have while ordering food in restaurants. Some couples prefer to order the same dish to share, while others prefer to explore the menu and get different dishes for each other. Ultimately, it’s all about the couple’s personal preference and what works for them. At the end of the day, the Bidens’ dinner order shouldn’t be seen as a sign of compatibility, but it shows that the couple is comfortable enough to order the same thing. So, the next time you and your significant other go out for dinner, don’t be afraid to try something a little different – or to order the same thing.

Image Source: GettyImages/ Kevin Dietsch
Image Source: GettyImages/ Kevin Dietsch


When President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden stepped out of the White House for an intimate dinner for two, they probably did not expect to spark an internet debate. However, that’s exactly what happened when it was revealed that the couple had both ordered the same dish, Mezzi Rigatoni, from The Red Hen restaurant in Washington, D.C. While the couple’s twin order sparked numerous debates on Twitter, it also highlighted the different attitudes couples have when it comes to ordering food in restaurants. Some couples prefer to order the same dish to share, while others prefer to explore the menu and get different dishes for each person. Ultimately, it’s all about the couple’s personal preference and what works for them.

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