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Job applicant's horrible interview experience makes people agree that 'job market is really bad'

The job was supposedly a full-time one and seemed perfect, but luckily, the woman saved herself from what was only a scam in disguise.

Job applicant's horrible interview experience makes people agree that 'job market is really bad'
Cover Image Source: TikTok| @alyssacardib

Workplaces have been condemned for treating their employees cruelly and unjustly. However, the process seems to have extended to job applicants as well. The management at several companies is mistreating candidates and hiring on the basis of a biased decision. To add to this, when potentially suitable candidates do apply, the realities of work life are hidden from them until they have signed the deal. Alyssa Caribardi (@alyssacardib) shared a video explaining how a company tried to scam her until the final round of her job interview by withholding major information from her. In her TikTok video, she confirmed that the job market scenario is indeed bad.

Image Source: TikTok| @alyssacardib
Image Source: TikTok| @alyssacardib

She then shared that she was finding it hard to land an employment opportunity and even after applying to over 300 jobs, it was in vain. However, the woman then revealed that she heard back from a company. "Finally, I hear back from one job; it's perfect. It’s a social media position for a baseball company. It’s a full-time job,” she said. The woman further explained that she went through one round of interviews which went well and she was sure that she’d get the job. However, the interviewer wanted to have a second round. In this interview, the woman decided to discuss the salary. “He’s like yes, ‘I want to do one more interview with you. I’ll get you the numbers at that interview',” she said.

Image Source: TikTok| @alyssacardib
Image Source: TikTok| @alyssacardib

In the third interview, the man informed the woman that there was a call to be taken between her and another candidate and once the decision was made, the job would be hers. The woman had complied with the interviewer’s procedure so far, even though it seemed absurd. She then revealed that she got a call from the man saying that the job was hers. “I said that I still need to know the numbers and if I can afford to live,” the woman said. The interviewer sent her the proposal and she was beyond shocked at its offering. After putting her through multiple rounds of interviews and getting her hopes up, the proposal revealed that she’d be earning only $500 a month. “He says the schedule is flexible and if you need to work another job, we can work around that,” the woman exclaimed, baffled by the bizarre behavior of the company.

Image Source: TikTok| @alyssacardib
Image Source: TikTok| @alyssacardib

She then pointed out to the interviewer that the description mentioned full-time and that was not what full-time means. “You have wasted much of my time and I have to decline this offer,” she told the interviewer. However, that was not all. The woman further spoke about how the man texted her later to “grab a drink.” She was simply disgusted and done at this point. After posting about the tragedy on TikTok, she came to learn that the man had no credit and lost his job. He was scamming her through an organization he just started and was trying to get her credit details to open a business under her name. “So yeah, the job market is bad,” the woman concluded. Several comments only echoed the same. @alienahileyy111818 said, “$500 for a month and 3 interviews? That’s insane.” @leftlead said, “$500 a week isn’t enough anymore.” @tohru_142 added: "The job market is bad. I had to do seasonal job just to get a job. No clue what will happen if they don’t keep me on after the holidays."

Image Source: Tikok| @lawandorderingallthefood
Image Source: Tikok| @lawandorderingallthefood


Image Source: TikTok| @pdot16
Image Source: TikTok| @pdot16

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